Category Archives: Philippines/Filipino

Reason vs. Emotions

I fancy myself to be a logical and rational person, using reason as the basis for many of my decisions. But I also realize that I can be a deeply emotional person, at times acting on a whim or based … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Nature, Philippines/Filipino, Relationships | 1 Comment

Tuesdays with Alran

Dr. Alran Bengzon was the most unlikely appointee to be Dean of a Business School. He is a Doctor of Medicine, a neurologists at that. He just finished his stint as Secretary of Health but has never really been an … Continue reading

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Jeremiads Over A Failed Revolution

On August 21, 1983, many of the streets of Manila were festooned with yellow ribbons to welcome back Ninoy Aquino from his exile in the US. History was made that day when he was assassinated while getting off the plane … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Discipleship, Philippines/Filipino, Principles | Leave a comment

Treasures of the Heart

A tree does not bear fruits and say to itself that it does so to serve nature and humanity. Gold does not glitter and say to itself that it does so to become a thing of value to men. It … Continue reading

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And The Seeds Fall To The Ground

Oh Philippines, my Philippines. Why has fate been so cruel to you? Buffeted as you have been through the centuries by one calamity after another. Geographical location, grinding poverty and unstable systems and structures have all conspired to make life … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Heroes, Philippines/Filipino | Leave a comment

God’s Ways

It is appalling how the love triangle of a young matinee idol with two pretty young actresses is getting more media mileage that the sedition charges against the bishops, the VP and other opposition figures. There is definitely something amiss … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Heroes, Philippines/Filipino, The Good News | Leave a comment

Waiting For Another Dawn

The 1986 EDSA Revolution started at the start of the weekend. And I remember clearly that the Gospel reading for that Sunday was the story of the Transfiguration. And those four days in February were for me a Transfiguration experience … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Love, Philippines/Filipino, The Good News | Tagged | Leave a comment

Faith in the Philippines

There is an abundance of faith healers in the Philippines like nowhere else in the world. To be sure, many of those who have claimed to be able to heal have been proven to be hoaxes. And many of those … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Philippines/Filipino, Relationships | Leave a comment

Independence and Freedom of Choice

Today is Philippine Independence Day. I did not ask to be born Filipino but am grateful to be one. In spite of what the country is going through at the moment, I am proud of the achievements of our nation … Continue reading

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The NBA Finals and Mt. Pinatubo

It is the MBA finals and I am again rooting for the Warriors. I am emotionally invested in this team and I get kinda down and low whenever they lose. We lived in the Bay area for years and saw … Continue reading

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