Tag Archives: Truth

Be Not a Hypocrite

There is a lot of doublespeak in the world today. People say one thing to hide what they really mean, sometimes saying one thing to signify the exact opposite of what they are saying. There is a lot of politically … Continue reading

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“Yesterday” – The Movie

Anabelle and I finally got to see the movie “Yesterday”. The basic premise of the movie is very preposterous and I couldn’t start imagining my life without it. What if we wake up one morning and no one remembers the … Continue reading

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The NBA Finals and Mt. Pinatubo

It is the MBA finals and I am again rooting for the Warriors. I am emotionally invested in this team and I get kinda down and low whenever they lose. We lived in the Bay area for years and saw … Continue reading

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Notre Dame de Paris is Burning

The whole watched, riveted in grief and disbelief, as the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed by a great conflagration. Many could not help avoid connecting the tragedy to the general breakdown of morals throughout the world: the blatant lies … Continue reading

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The Reckoning: Why Do We Never Learn?

One of the things I truly miss about living in the Bay Area is the easy access to well-stocked public libraries. I get to read new novels and other interesting titles almost as soon as they are off the press, … Continue reading

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Faith in Times of Adversity

Recently, Anabelle and I went with some friends to Iloilo for fun and leisure. It turned out to be a pilgrimage of sorts. We went to more religious sites than natural wonders or tourist resorts. We went to the Holy … Continue reading

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Love is Life and Life is Love

It is a story as old as time itself. The story of Creation is the original love story. We are because of love. I love; therefore, I am. At the end of His “week” of Creation, God said almost like … Continue reading

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It’s A Mythic Universe We Live In

This is from today’s First Reading: God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have … Continue reading

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Let the Children Teach Us Once More

I just love watching how children, specially at play, even though they might have just met each other for the first time. Spontaneously and very naturally, they soon become friends and are deep in play and in a fantasy world … Continue reading

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Teachers Build The Future

This morning, I had breakfast with two former students to catch up on what each one of us was doing currently. Iy warmed my heart to hear them say that their studies and education have made all the difference in … Continue reading

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