Tag Archives: Relationships

A Weekend of Miracles

I was a witness to a weekend of miracles, involving three ladies. Friday was the birthday of Vida. We feted her with a birthday breakfast. I call Vida the Great Connector. He is very good at connecting and putting people … Continue reading

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Built To Last

I grew up in a time when it something was broken, we fixed it. Clothes that were torn would got mended. Slippers with broken straps are made usable again with string and wire. We always had a piece of bamboo, … Continue reading

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All The Earth Proclaim The Lord

Today is the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. There is a tendency today of reinterpreting the words of the Gospel into more acceptable and palatable manner. Nothing typifies this mentality more than those who preach and live by the … Continue reading

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Sometimes, Bad Things Make Us More Human

Evil is real and is alive in the world. The malice, hatred and anger behind 9/11 is so choking and overwhelming, one begins to wonder if there is a God who cares and who is supposed to have cloaked his … Continue reading

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Independence and Freedom of Choice

Today is Philippine Independence Day. I did not ask to be born Filipino but am grateful to be one. In spite of what the country is going through at the moment, I am proud of the achievements of our nation … Continue reading

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Pueblo Amante de Maria

  Filipinos have always taken great pride in being the only Christian nation in Asia. We have even fancied ourselves as “Pueblo Amante de Maria” – Mary’s Beloved People. And to reciprocate that Marian love, we have dedicated two months … Continue reading

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Togetherness and Solitude

One of the most common postings I have seen lately in Facebook is “Invest in Travel, not Things.” I could totally relate to it. I have experienced longer lasting joys, more learning and insights, photos and memories that last longer … Continue reading

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The Greatest Commandment

  “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one … Continue reading

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“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

A bunch of disciples: beaten, down in defeat, fearful, in hiding, their Master having been executed as a common criminal. They travel at night, afraid to be discovered by day. While crossing the sea, they see a shadow on the … Continue reading

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Love is Life and Life is Love

It is a story as old as time itself. The story of Creation is the original love story. We are because of love. I love; therefore, I am. At the end of His “week” of Creation, God said almost like … Continue reading

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