Category Archives: Faith

The New Day Dawns

It’s Christmas Eve and tomorrow the new day dawns. For the first time in my life, I am missing all the joy and excitement I have always associated with Christmas. I can still see all the hustle and bustle of … Continue reading

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Hail, Mary!

  Our usual image of Mary is that of a calm and collected lady. But I would imagine her otherwise during those days surrounding the birth of Jesus. Here was a young maiden betrothed to a man who was probably … Continue reading

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What We Seek And Hope For

The world today is like a wilderness. There are wars in many parts of the world. In places not visited by wars or violence, there is the ever present threat of terrorism. There is constant fear and panic in financial … Continue reading

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We Love; Therefore, We Are.

“I think; therefore, I am.” Thus, Descartes has spawned the rationalistic and scientific culture we see dominant in the West today. It also explains the intense individualism (“I am.”) we see. A more realistic philosophy, I believe, is “I co-exist; … Continue reading

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Prepare The Way, 2

Like a light piercing the darkness, Like the sun peeking through the leaves. God’s grace breaks into our lives This is what happens when one believes. He comes to be like one of us To share in our joys and … Continue reading

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Prepare The Way

Our lives today are cluttered with so many things; and yet emptiness reigns in many hearts. There are so many lights we fail to see the Light. There is so much noise we cannot hear the Word. There is so … Continue reading

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A Weekend of Miracles

I was a witness to a weekend of miracles, involving three ladies. Friday was the birthday of Vida. We feted her with a birthday breakfast. I call Vida the Great Connector. He is very good at connecting and putting people … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 3

Blessings are often identified with good fortune, joy and happiness, dreams come true, and the like. But grace can also be found in our pain and suffering, failures and disappointments, our tears and fears, even emptiness and loneliness. For what … Continue reading

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Saint Andrew, Apostle

  This is Saint Andrew’s Cross. Legend has it that Andrew told his executioners that he was not worthy to be crucified on the same cross style as Jesus, and persuaded them to alter the shape. Today is the Feast … Continue reading

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The Incarnation

Everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature. What goes up must come down. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every living thing is driven by and blindly follows its instincts. There is beauty … Continue reading

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