Category Archives: Relationships

The Incarnation

Everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature. What goes up must come down. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every living thing is driven by and blindly follows its instincts. There is beauty … Continue reading

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Why The Church Is Holy

This song is the theme of the movie “The Cardinal”, the story of a priest who faced temptations and challenges of moral dilemmas, the social issues of his times and the never-ending tests to his celibacy. He was not perfect … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Faith, Presence, Relationships, Spirituality, The Good News | Leave a comment

In His Image And Likeness

It inspires me to know that I am made in the image and likeness of God. It rouses me even more to realize that I was made uniquely and that there will never be another one quite like me. If … Continue reading

Posted in Encounter, Nature, Relationships, Spirituality | Leave a comment

Remembering A Gracious Lady

I attended the wake of a gracious lady yesterday. Her life was princess-like fairy tale story. But where most fairy tales are meant to be short and fading and meant for mere telling; hers was long and lasting and meant … Continue reading

Posted in Death, Encounter, Faith, Life, Relationships | Leave a comment


I used to love get-togethers and being with people. It must be something that I learned or got from Ima. I loved inviting friends and families to such gatherings and I love being invited to such gatherings. I imagine Jesus … Continue reading

Posted in Identity, Life, Relationships, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Tapestry of Life

I live in a network of relationships – links to nature, to people, to God. For what is life but a tapestry of the places we have been to, the people we have come into contact with, the events we … Continue reading

Posted in Encounter, Life, Relationships | Leave a comment

Relationships Are The Real Riches

Who am I, really? As I think of the defining moments in my life, I realize that I can never fully define myself except in relationships with others. One person leaves my life and my life is never the same … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Family, Friendship, Presence, Relationships | Leave a comment

Reason vs. Emotions

I fancy myself to be a logical and rational person, using reason as the basis for many of my decisions. But I also realize that I can be a deeply emotional person, at times acting on a whim or based … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Nature, Philippines/Filipino, Relationships | 1 Comment


A good friend comes home to the Philippines from Texas where he has been a resident for the past decade or so. He visits familiar places and sees familiar faces. Something in him gets rekindled. A fire that was once … Continue reading

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Let The Children . . .

Children are a blessing. No one and nothing can give us more joys and happiness. Babies evoke the deepest love from those around them. Nothing can be sweeter-smelling than a baby’s breathe. Nothing softer or smoother than a baby’s skin. … Continue reading

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