Category Archives: Character

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

The greatest fear, and perhaps the most common one, of many people today is FOMO.“Fear Of Missing Out.”It used to be men feared wars, hunger, pestilence.While many were afraid of contracting Covid19, the fear nothing like their fear of FOMO.In … Continue reading

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Only Trust Will Enable to Move Forward and Soar

There is so much fake news in media, specially social media, these days; one can really feel, sense, smell the poisoned atmosphere. There are outright lies that are peddled as truths. Or some bit of factual information is cast with … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Family, Friendship, Principles, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

On Being A Father

Now more than ever, we need fathers who can raise children who would dream of goodness, kindness, love, compassion, integrity, a passion for justice. Then, we shall see the birth of the new normal.

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I Keep Wondering

Life is a deep paradox, a maelstrom of contradictions. The good coexists side by side with the evil. Joys come along with pain and tears are never far from our smiles and laughter. And all around, life does often at … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Life, Mystery | Leave a comment

Justice and Mercy

When I am wronged, I want justice and retribution; but when I do wrong I desire mercy and forgiveness. In a world so full of injustice and oppression, justice is needed to restore balance and equilibrium in society. One wise … Continue reading

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Following Christ

There is a great tendency today for people to do things for show or to make a good impression; not because it is the right thing to do. A popular expression is “What you see is what you get ~ … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Discipleship, Encounter | Leave a comment

Transformative and Salvific Acts

Jesus always had a special place in his heart for the poor, the afflicted and the suffering, as well as for the oppressed and the abandoned. He taught me that life is not easy. In fact, he told his disciples … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Character, Discipleship | Leave a comment

Sent Out Like Lambs

It is never easy being good. It takes effort and practice. It seems to be so much easier to just go with one’s natural tendencies rather than to exert the effort to be good. And being good often entails a … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Discipleship, The Good News | Leave a comment

Modern Prophets

In today’s fast-changing world, people are often concerned with appearances. Personality and practices are preferred over character and principles. As long as in the end, people get what they want. Leaders and so-called opinion makers are often looking for the … Continue reading

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Reason vs. Emotions

I fancy myself to be a logical and rational person, using reason as the basis for many of my decisions. But I also realize that I can be a deeply emotional person, at times acting on a whim or based … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Nature, Philippines/Filipino, Relationships | 1 Comment