Category Archives: Identity

The Sacrament Of The Here And Now

I enjoy recalling memories of events from the past, both happy and sad, how these have brought color into my life, how these have helped me become the person I that I am today. But memories are in the past … Continue reading

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I used to love get-togethers and being with people. It must be something that I learned or got from Ima. I loved inviting friends and families to such gatherings and I love being invited to such gatherings. I imagine Jesus … Continue reading

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De Rerum Natura Redux

The nature of anything is the purpose for which it is made or created. The nature of the chair is to be sat upon to give rest or comfort to the ‘seater’. It becomes more complicated and difficult when we … Continue reading

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There Is Innate Goodness In Us

Maia just recently turned one year old. She does not speak yet except through a few syllables, like ‘mah mah’, ‘dah dah’, ‘tah’. And yet she is very good at communicating. She knows how to tell us how she feels … Continue reading

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Called and Sent

Mission is that for which I am sent. I am called and sent to teach and to heal. I am called and sent to love and to care. I am called and sent to give and to share. I am … Continue reading

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The Sacrament of the Present

In every moment is the seed of eternity. Yes, I am both a moment and an eternity. I have but the present moment to call my very own. It is in the now that everything happens. The past and the … Continue reading

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Tuesdays with Alran, Part 2

In the afterglow of our recent “Tuesdays with Alran” last Thursday, I have been mulling and ruminating over what he shared with us from his recent life experience. In the end, all that matters and all that gives meaning and … Continue reading

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Tuesdays with Alran

Dr. Alran Bengzon was the most unlikely appointee to be Dean of a Business School. He is a Doctor of Medicine, a neurologists at that. He just finished his stint as Secretary of Health but has never really been an … Continue reading

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Because I Am, I Can Choose

Some world-views would have me believe that I am the product of some random events. I believe that I am the fruit of God’s indiscriminate love, a love that is unconditional, inclusive and knows no bounds, a love that simply … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Identity, Life, The Good News | Tagged | Leave a comment

Being True to One’s Deepest Self

In this weary world we live in, full of restless lives and fervent hopes and dreams, I need to constantly affirm what I believe in. I believe that light is stronger than darkness, that love always triumphs over anger and … Continue reading

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