Category Archives: Principles

Only Trust Will Enable to Move Forward and Soar

There is so much fake news in media, specially social media, these days; one can really feel, sense, smell the poisoned atmosphere. There are outright lies that are peddled as truths. Or some bit of factual information is cast with … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 3

Blessings are often identified with good fortune, joy and happiness, dreams come true, and the like. But grace can also be found in our pain and suffering, failures and disappointments, our tears and fears, even emptiness and loneliness. For what … Continue reading

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Justice and Mercy

When I am wronged, I want justice and retribution; but when I do wrong I desire mercy and forgiveness. In a world so full of injustice and oppression, justice is needed to restore balance and equilibrium in society. One wise … Continue reading

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From Emptiness to New Life

I often come to prayer with all the ‘treasures and possessions’ from my past, present and future ~ my dreams and memories, my ideas, and understanding of what is good and what is good for me, what I want my … Continue reading

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On Being Mediocre

I have always been wary and afraid of being tagged or labeled as mediocre. At work, in my career, as a professional, and in my personal life, I have always avoided being contented with “Puede na yan.” And I kinda … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Character, Principles, Spirituality | 2 Comments

Tuesdays with Alran

Dr. Alran Bengzon was the most unlikely appointee to be Dean of a Business School. He is a Doctor of Medicine, a neurologists at that. He just finished his stint as Secretary of Health but has never really been an … Continue reading

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Use It or Lose It

Morning has broken and the sun rises over the Sierra Madre mountains, once more to give its light, warmth and energy to the planet below. The trees and the plants are astir to give shade, food and fresh air, nourishing … Continue reading

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Jeremiads Over A Failed Revolution

On August 21, 1983, many of the streets of Manila were festooned with yellow ribbons to welcome back Ninoy Aquino from his exile in the US. History was made that day when he was assassinated while getting off the plane … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Discipleship, Philippines/Filipino, Principles | Leave a comment

And Who Is my Neighbor?

The neighbor is not he who passed by on the opposite side, in order not to be bothered in one self-busy-ness, Not to have to attend to someone in distress, Not to lose time and money to help another person. … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Discipleship, Generosity, Love, Principles | Tagged | Leave a comment

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” With these stirring words, the … Continue reading

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