Tag Archives: joy

My Life’s Journey These Days

I used to look at life as a series of destinations: graduations, getting married, coming of the children, marking milestones in their lives, promotions, new jobs, higher responsibilities and then retirement. Today I look more at the journey that is … Continue reading

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On Being A Teacher

Often, at night, when sleep is hard to come by, one of my favorite ways of lulling myself to sleep is to remember students who have been in my classes. I am happy that quite a number of them have … Continue reading

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Tuesdays with Alran

Dr. Alran Bengzon was the most unlikely appointee to be Dean of a Business School. He is a Doctor of Medicine, a neurologists at that. He just finished his stint as Secretary of Health but has never really been an … Continue reading

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A Wet Dream

This is not about what most people would think. But I could not think a more appropriate title than this. Early this morning, I had the weirdest of dreams. Anabelle and I have a very dear friend whom we have … Continue reading

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Birthdays and New Life

I celebrated my seven decades of a grace-filled life yesterday. And my youngest just reminded me that in those seven decades I have been responsible for seven new lives coming into the world. Sevenfold blessings for my seven decades of … Continue reading

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Let the Children Teach Us

I love children and there are times I’d rather be with them than with adults. I love how they look and see life and the world with eyes of unending wonder and amazement. They teach me everything I need to … Continue reading

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For most of my adult life, I have lived in cosmopolitan and urbanized areas in several places in the world. Yet I can still feel my peasant roots. My forebears were tillers, not owners, of the soil. During the off-season, … Continue reading

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Created For Greatness, Born For Eternity

I come from the same spark that has spawned all the light and goodness there in this world. I carry in me this spark of the divine and infinite that suffuses the whole universe. And yet, I sometimes act as … Continue reading

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Today is the Feast of the Visitation: a cousin visits her cousin to assist her in the final months of her pregnancy before going home herself to give birth to her own child. It is a poignant story of loved … Continue reading

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Pueblo Amante de Maria

  Filipinos have always taken great pride in being the only Christian nation in Asia. We have even fancied ourselves as “Pueblo Amante de Maria” – Mary’s Beloved People. And to reciprocate that Marian love, we have dedicated two months … Continue reading

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