Category Archives: Change

The Wonder of the Universe

Everything in the universe is in constant movement from the smallest quark to the biggest black hole. The movements may sometime seem random and chaotic. But there is a certain beat, a patent rhythm, almost a song or a melody … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Nature, Presence, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

What Child Is This?

The Infancy narratives are among the most beautiful and moving of the stories in the Gospels. One can actually feel the peace, joy and love while reading them. These stories serve as the reason for the joy and happiness we … Continue reading

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Transformative and Salvific Acts

Jesus always had a special place in his heart for the poor, the afflicted and the suffering, as well as for the oppressed and the abandoned. He taught me that life is not easy. In fact, he told his disciples … Continue reading

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On Being Mediocre

I have always been wary and afraid of being tagged or labeled as mediocre. At work, in my career, as a professional, and in my personal life, I have always avoided being contented with “Puede na yan.” And I kinda … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Character, Principles, Spirituality | 2 Comments

Be Awake. Be Aware.

Age quod agis. (Do what you are doing.) This was the advice drilled into us by Fr. Basilio David during our formation years in the seminary. Not everyone can be a Ninoy Aquino or a Jesse Robredo but everyone can be … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Change, Character, Heroes, Life | Leave a comment

Masks And Reality

There is no one so blind as one who refuses to see; and no one harder to wake up as one who pretends to sleep. Often, I live my life with different masks on and with a lot of pretensions. … Continue reading

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Jeremiads Over A Failed Revolution

On August 21, 1983, many of the streets of Manila were festooned with yellow ribbons to welcome back Ninoy Aquino from his exile in the US. History was made that day when he was assassinated while getting off the plane … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Discipleship, Philippines/Filipino, Principles | Leave a comment

Making Space

Even a barren desert can be full of life. There is reason for hope even in the wilderness. If I were so full of myself, how could there be space for anybody else in my life? If I were filled … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Faith, Life, Mystery | Leave a comment

Aloneness and Togetherness

Life is a constant flux and rhythm of being alone and getting together. I love my alone moments. I treasure my being alone with myself and being alone with God. I need these moments to be in touch with who … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Family, Friendship, Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

What Should I Ask For?

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, … Continue reading

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