Not Taking Things For Granted

Because I keep on receiving the same awesome blessings everyday, there is a tendency in me to take these things for granted. The sun rises every morning, always beautiful, fresh and full of promises. Most days I welcome it with gladness and gratitude. But there are days I feel like it’s just another day. The sun sets every evening in blazing colors rich with the memories of the day’s blessings. Most evenings I smile as the day ends in humble thanksgiving for another day to be living. But there are evenings I feel so exhausted all I want to do is plunk down to sleep in my bed.

I enjoy nature and love going on nature-hikes. Nature speaks to me of goodness, wholeness and nurturing care. But there are times I take Mother Earth for granted and do not do my share in taking care of her. I always count my blessings through the people that God has blessed my life with. I am who I am because of all the delightful people in my life. But there are days they do get on my nerves and I behave very anti-socially. I spend many moments in prayer, trying to listen to God speaking to me and to discern His will for me, everyday. But there are moments of dryness where the silence is deafening and I feel all alone, just talking to myself.

Life is gift. But there are many moments I take it for granted. I should be thankful for it everyday. My life is not worth anything but for my loved ones around me. But there are many moments I take them for granted and think only of myself. I should show my love and care for them every chance I have, specially when I am hurt or when it is very difficult to do so. I am here because of God. But there are many moments I turn away from Him or do not recognize His presence. I should live every moment of my life as a prayer to God. I should be in my proper attire and attitude.

A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
Psalm 51

But when the king came in to meet the guests
he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment.
He said to him, ‘My friend, how is it
that you came in here without a wedding garment?’
But he was reduced to silence.
Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet,
and cast him into the darkness outside,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.’
Many are invited, but few are chosen.”
Matthew 22:11-14

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7 Responses to Not Taking Things For Granted

  1. kcg1974 says:

    So lovely. Thank you for this. A great reminder.

  2. Cecile says:

    Life is such a gift…this one alone, there quite a few deaths that i have witnessed…one died from a vehicular accident at 38, one died from a chronic illness at 80 and one from suicide at age 48. The first two valued life, whereas the last one must have been so depressed he took his life AND before that, tragically, took the life of his common law wife and mother of his young son 🙁 Sad.

    • Cecile says:

      i meant to say…THIS MONTH ALONE…..

      • I also find it difficult to understand why some people would take their own lives and commit suicide. There is so much beauty and love in live for us to keep wishing for just one more day. But then again, who are we to judge people who do so. Might be they couldn’t wait long enough to see what comes next after this life.

        Thank you for dropping by , Cecile.

  3. Cecile says:

    you are welcome Verne, i love reading your posts…always eloquently expressed 🙂

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