Tag Archives: Gratitude

Thinking of St. Joseph and Tatang

Today is the birthday of my father. It is strange that I have grown closer to him now in my old age. I often think about him and have felt myself be closer to him than ever. I have come … Continue reading

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A Day Of Gratitude And Generosity

Today, Anabelle and I attended the Christmas Party of the retired teachers and staff members of Xavier School. The party was simple and pretty modest by local standards for Christmas parties. But it was fun and well attended. The food … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 1

There was a time, I was driving Jonathan to school with Martin, I made a left turn signal only to go straight and drive ahead on four-way stop intersection. It was a good thing that the lady in the car … Continue reading

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What Are You Grateful For?

Business and politics, science and technology, entertainment and leisure – these are things that seem to be driving the world today. Much of the news is about these things; and events in these areas always hog the headlines. But life … Continue reading

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Late Lessons for a Lolo

One of our joys these days are the times we spend with Maia. And I love how she is so in love with here Lola. Like, whenever they come home from a pasyal, she would fill our home with her shouts … Continue reading

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Gratitude Is an Expression of Love

Gratitude is a deeply spiritual virtue. In a culture of competitive individualism, one can easily lose sight of the others in one’s life. Gratitude is the awareness and appreciation of the fact that I am not alone. I can do … Continue reading

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My Life’s Journey These Days

I used to look at life as a series of destinations: graduations, getting married, coming of the children, marking milestones in their lives, promotions, new jobs, higher responsibilities and then retirement. Today I look more at the journey that is … Continue reading

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Tuesdays with Alran, Part 2

In the afterglow of our recent “Tuesdays with Alran” last Thursday, I have been mulling and ruminating over what he shared with us from his recent life experience. In the end, all that matters and all that gives meaning and … Continue reading

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Thank You For Life!

September 11, 2001 was a day of death and destruction, filled with hatred and anger. The day after turned out to be a celebration of life. Yes, it was a day of grief and sorrow but also an unadulterated awareness … Continue reading

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Put Out Into The Deep

I regularly meet up with a bunch former colleagues from the Business School where I used to teach. We mostly exchange war stories: an encounter here, a skirmish there, missteps and miscues all over the place, how we transformed an … Continue reading

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