Tag Archives: Prayer

Reflections in a Flower Field

‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea”, and it would obey you.’ I often wish I had that kind of faith.What works of … Continue reading

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The Speed and the Noise

Speed and noise seem to be the defining elements of people’s lives today. When people want something, they often want it now, as in right now. So we have instant versions of practically everything. No waiting. Instant coffee. Instant noodles. … Continue reading

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Alone With God In Nature

No matter how busy the days became, Jesus always found  the time and place to pray. His favorite time to pray is either deep into the night or early in the morning. His favorite place is in some quiet, secluded … Continue reading

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It takes at least two persons to have a conversation. And it takes both the speaking and the listening to carry it on. Often, the listening part of a conversation is overlooked; yet it is even more important than the … Continue reading

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Tatang was of peasant stock and he worked in the fields in his youth. It was a long journey for him from the fields of Dau to the bungalow in Marisol. And it has also been a long and rather … Continue reading

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Silence And Prayer

Praying puts us in touch with that which cannot be perceived by the senses. Whether done with others or alone, praying expresses our desire to embrace the ineffable. Whether in prayer or just to be with myself, I often spend … Continue reading

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Prayer In My Life

Often, my prayers and reflections lead me to thinking why I am here. My yearnings are many and varied. I do yearn for physical pleasures and material possessions. But my deepest and most persistent longing is to find out the … Continue reading

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What Should I Ask For?

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, … Continue reading

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Vine and Branches

A water faucet will give no water unless it is tapped into a water source. An electric wire has no power unless plugged into a power source. A branch bears no fruits unless if it is rooted into a vine. … Continue reading

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On a Wing and a Prayer

Every morning, I make time and space for prayer. Just before the rest of ‘my world’ wakes up, I come to prayer as a total person, turning my attention to the Totally Other Person. I have learned recently that that … Continue reading

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