Tag Archives: Blessings

Let The Children . . .

Children are a blessing. No one and nothing can give us more joys and happiness. Babies evoke the deepest love from those around them. Nothing can be sweeter-smelling than a baby’s breathe. Nothing softer or smoother than a baby’s skin. … Continue reading

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The Cross

The cross has always been the primary symbol of Christianity. From the earliest times, Christians were identified by the cross. The cross was the most cruel and most ignominious penalty in the Roman empire. It was so humiliating Roman citizens … Continue reading

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A Wet Dream

This is not about what most people would think. But I could not think a more appropriate title than this. Early this morning, I had the weirdest of dreams. Anabelle and I have a very dear friend whom we have … Continue reading

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Life Will Not Be Denied

Sometimes, I imagine would my life as a field and I would see this patch of dried up and desolate dead flowers, twigs and grass as I zoom in on what I am going through right now. But if I … Continue reading

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Let the Children . . . .

  At that time Jesus said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious … Continue reading

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A Pause To Say ‘Thank You’

 Whenever I read the news these days and I can sense a lot of fear, anxiety and divisions. Never in man’s history have there been so much affluence and material comforts in the lives of people and yet there has … Continue reading

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My Seventy Years

So yesterday was a landmark birthday, my 70th. It was spent in the loving company of family. At the end of the day, Msgr. Pagulayan, whom we endearingly call Peggy, came and gave us this most beautiful present. It is … Continue reading

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Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given

Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. They all ate and were satisfied. Often, … Continue reading

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Gratitude and Eternal Life

Today is the first day of Spring. Nature is sprouting new and fresh life, as traces of winter fade away. So much to be thankful for. So many thing to be joyful about. It is time for counting blessings. I … Continue reading

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Imagine Generosity

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous;  Imagine a world where there is no more hunger nor poverty, for we have the resources to end hunger and poverty. teach me to serve you as you deserve,  Imagine people giving out … Continue reading

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