Tag Archives: Grace

How Does God Look Like

Note: Yesterday, I shared my thoughts about God in my life. How I feel his presence in the beauty of nature, in the unfolding of history, and in the twists and turns of my own life. It reminded of a … Continue reading

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The Couple-Tree

We all dream of a world where there would be “no more tears”, a world where people would live in peace and harmony,specially these days of the pandemic. And yet we see glimpses of such heaven around useven in the … Continue reading

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Reflections in a Flower Field

‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea”, and it would obey you.’ I often wish I had that kind of faith.What works of … Continue reading

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Thinking of St. Joseph and Tatang

Today is the birthday of my father. It is strange that I have grown closer to him now in my old age. I often think about him and have felt myself be closer to him than ever. I have come … Continue reading

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A Day Of Gratitude And Generosity

Today, Anabelle and I attended the Christmas Party of the retired teachers and staff members of Xavier School. The party was simple and pretty modest by local standards for Christmas parties. But it was fun and well attended. The food … Continue reading

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A Weekend of Miracles

I was a witness to a weekend of miracles, involving three ladies. Friday was the birthday of Vida. We feted her with a birthday breakfast. I call Vida the Great Connector. He is very good at connecting and putting people … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 3

Blessings are often identified with good fortune, joy and happiness, dreams come true, and the like. But grace can also be found in our pain and suffering, failures and disappointments, our tears and fears, even emptiness and loneliness. For what … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 2

I love mornings and the freshness they bring Yet I love the sunset as much as the morning I only need to see them with joy in my heart And the showers of blessings simply start. I love being with … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 1

There was a time, I was driving Jonathan to school with Martin, I made a left turn signal only to go straight and drive ahead on four-way stop intersection. It was a good thing that the lady in the car … Continue reading

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The Incarnation

Everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature. What goes up must come down. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every living thing is driven by and blindly follows its instincts. There is beauty … Continue reading

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