My Here and Now


Learn from the way the wild flowers grow.
They do not work or spin.
But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor
was clothed like one of them.
If God so clothes the grass of the field,
which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow,
will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?

Because I exist, anything and everything is possible.
Because I am alive, my now is truly the only moment I have.
I have my past but it gone and lives only in my memories.
There are good memories, for which I am grateful.
There are also bad memories, whose lessons i will remember.
I have a future, to which I look forward with hope.
But the future I hope to have, I can only create in my present moment.
I live in the present moment and it is in the present that build, create and act and do.

I also am truly present only in my present location, my here.
I can be in many other places vicariously or through technology.
Likewise, I can be in another place somewhere in the past or even the future.
I may want to be with the protesters in HongKong and share their commitment;
or I may want to be in Toronto to feel the excitement of a championship;
or I may want to be in San Jose or Oxford to care for Ela or Maia.
But it is only in my here that I can act efficaciously.
I am here and here I will bloom.
It is only here that I can build.
It is only here that I can make my contribution and make a difference.

I am an immortal being.
I have an eternal soul.
Yet, it is in my here and now
that I truly have my whole.

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2 Responses to My Here and Now

  1. Now, now, now! Bravo for truth well told…

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