Category Archives: Life

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

The greatest fear, and perhaps the most common one, of many people today is FOMO.“Fear Of Missing Out.”It used to be men feared wars, hunger, pestilence.While many were afraid of contracting Covid19, the fear nothing like their fear of FOMO.In … Continue reading

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The Good, The Beautiful, The True

Random notes arbitrarily patched together would result in cacophonyBut put together mindfully and soulfully, they produce a sweet melodyIt may simply be an emotional love song that tugs at the heartstringsOr a polyphonic symphony that enables the spirit to take … Continue reading

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Living with Mystery and Paradox

Since God is essentially unknowable, we often associate mystery and paradoxes with the Divine.And since life itself came from God, life indeed is also full of mystery and paradoxes.Life is so precious and beautiful we would want to keep and … Continue reading

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Reflections at Dusk

We have indeed seen a lot of changes in recent times,buffeted as we have been by a stormy darkness.While saddened by all the death and disease around us,I am not despondent. I do not look at the past with nostalgia,longing … Continue reading

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Thinking of St. Joseph and Tatang

Today is the birthday of my father. It is strange that I have grown closer to him now in my old age. I often think about him and have felt myself be closer to him than ever. I have come … Continue reading

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We Love; Therefore, We Are.

“I think; therefore, I am.” Thus, Descartes has spawned the rationalistic and scientific culture we see dominant in the West today. It also explains the intense individualism (“I am.”) we see. A more realistic philosophy, I believe, is “I co-exist; … Continue reading

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Hope For The Flowers

‘Hope for the Flowers’ is one of the books that truly inspired me in my youth. It is an allegorical tale of two caterpillars and their hopes and longings, their search for meaning and their eventual magical transformation into beautiful … Continue reading

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Be Watchful. Be Ready.

  I can close my eyes and still see. I can shut off my ears and nose and still hear and smell. I can shut out the sights and the sounds and be alone; and in the silence and solitude … Continue reading

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What Are You Grateful For?

Business and politics, science and technology, entertainment and leisure – these are things that seem to be driving the world today. Much of the news is about these things; and events in these areas always hog the headlines. But life … Continue reading

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The Sacrament Of The Here And Now

I enjoy recalling memories of events from the past, both happy and sad, how these have brought color into my life, how these have helped me become the person I that I am today. But memories are in the past … Continue reading

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