Love Colors Everything


St. Augustine once wrote: “Love and then, what you will, do.”
Seconding that emotion, Fr. Arrupe the former Jesuit General wrote:
“What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.”

Who and what I love make me want to get out of bed in the morning.
They make me end my day with a smile when I go to bed.
They bring color and endless abiding joy into my life.
I think of all the people who have shown me love and changed my life for the better.
I also think of all the people I have loved and
pray that I have helped change their lives for the better.

I love being in love and I though I was pretty good at it.
Lately, I have realized that what I thought was love
was actually me being extremely selfish.
Love is about the other.
But with subtleties I am just now beginning to understand,
I have made love all about myself.

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4 Responses to Love Colors Everything

  1. Sadah says:

    This is beautiful.

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