Tag Archives: Learning

On Being A Teacher

Often, at night, when sleep is hard to come by, one of my favorite ways of lulling myself to sleep is to remember students who have been in my classes. I am happy that quite a number of them have … Continue reading

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Being Transformed by Faith

God created us in his image and likeness. There is often the danger and temptation of creating God in my own image and likeness, of wanting to lead a life according to my own script. And just when I think … Continue reading

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Weathering the Storms of Life

As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, “Lord, save … Continue reading

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Some Covey Insights

I have learned a lot from Covey and his books and his workshops. He popularized the word ‘proactivity’, the ability to put a space between the stimulus and my response to situations. In talking about proactivity, he explains that the … Continue reading

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Let the Children Teach Us

I love children and there are times I’d rather be with them than with adults. I love how they look and see life and the world with eyes of unending wonder and amazement. They teach me everything I need to … Continue reading

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The Reckoning: Why Do We Never Learn?

One of the things I truly miss about living in the Bay Area is the easy access to well-stocked public libraries. I get to read new novels and other interesting titles almost as soon as they are off the press, … Continue reading

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On Being a Father

Today is the feast of St. Joseph. One of the names by which Jesus was known is “the son of the carpenter”. There many things about being a father I learned from Joseph. And thinking of him now, I remember … Continue reading

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Listen to the Children

Today is the Feast of the Hold Child (Santo Niño) in the Philippines. And in many places all around the country, there will be mardi-gras-like festivals celebrating the Infant Jesus during the month of January — Ati-atihan in Aklan, Sinulog in … Continue reading

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It’s Just Another Day

This week, after the great feast of Christmas, is the start of ordinary times. It is back to the regular grind, the humdrum of daily living. And today’s Gospel tells us how an ordinary life in the life of Jesus … Continue reading

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Teachers Build The Future

This morning, I had breakfast with two former students to catch up on what each one of us was doing currently. Iy warmed my heart to hear them say that their studies and education have made all the difference in … Continue reading

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