The Kingdom And The Child Within Us

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them,
for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you,
whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child
will not enter it.”
~ Mark 10:14-15

I sometimes wish I were a child again
Playing in the sun, dancing in the rain
Oblivious of time, not worried of tomorrow
Life full of laughter, surcease from sorrow.

Then one day, the child grows up and learns
The more one dreams, the more one yearns
Heartaches and tears soon hardens the heart
The child and his innocence are soon apart.

Yes, life becomes a difficult and a weary way
Darkness on the horizon? Oh no, it’s another day!
If not for the love of family and friends,
One gets eager to find out how it all ends.

There is a secret that we all ought to know
There is an inner child in us even as we grow
The child stays pure and gentle and innocent
Touch this child and all your blessings will be present.

This inner child keeps all the goodness there is in us
Preserves all the beauty around us without any fuss
Teaches us all the truths we need to make sense of life
And relieves us of all our burdens and heal all strife.

“Let the children come to me.” the Lord, said He.
“For such is the Kingdom of God as you will see.”
“Of all the pains, tears and sorrow, you will be free.”
“You will be happy for all eternity and be with me.”

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