My God Is An Awesome God

We live today in a throw-away and disposable society, born out of an environment steeped in consumerism and crass materialism. When something is damaged, it is no longer repaired but rather thrown away and replaced. Most things have an expiry date and when they are expired, they are easily disposed of. Many things are made with planned obsolescence. Cars and appliances come in model-years. Computers and apps come in versions.  So that when they become obsolete, they are discarded and changed. And somehow, this mentality and attitude flow over into our human relationships. When a relationship becomes damaged or frayed, it is not mended nor repaired but rather discarded. And we see a lot of divorces among couples, break-ups between friends, splinters among communities, secessions among nations. The ultimate manifestation of this is the tendency to also dispose of people who are either defective or have reached their expiry dates. Euthanasia should be unthinkable and yet it is now legal and justifiable in some places and societies.

God does not make junk. Everything and everyone that comes from Him is good. In the prodigious abundance in nature, even the smallest grain of sand is good and has a purpose. In God’s marvelous plan, everyone of us has a calling that no other else can do. And the universe’s unfolding would grind to a halt unless everyone heeds to that call. But looking around, there is a lot of imperfection and things in need of repair. Indeed, but God had shown us that in the unfolding of the universe, pain and suffering – while not to be desired nor prayed for – are essential steps for us to move up to the next level. Even man’s greatest fear – death – is not an end but a portal to the beginning of a new and everlasting life.

God is patient as the unfolding of His universe happens. He is full of mercy and compassion for our failing and shortcomings. He dispels the darkness and brings in His light. He overcomes chaos and coax life out of it. He has all of us in the palm of His hands. He heals all wounds and bruises. He changes us without discarding or disposing of us.  He transforms our weaknesses and failures into gladsome things. With Him, nothing and no one is ever wasted but he makes everything new and beautiful. My God is an awesome God.

Lord, do not deal with us according to our sins.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
“Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and gifts will be given to you;
a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing,
will be poured into your lap.
For the measure with which you measure
will in return be measured out to you.”
Luke 6:36-38

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One Response to My God Is An Awesome God

  1. sig says:

    Agree!! everything that comes from Him is good, what makes it bad or good are the attributes which can be corrected or enhanced. The Nature of things remain the same.

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