Category Archives: Character
Today is LaetareĀ (Rejoice!) Sunday. It is a day of joy and hope in the midst of Lent a season of penance and repentance. The Gospel today includes the most beautiful passage in the gospels: For God so loved the world … Continue reading
I believe I have been a generous person; although I am sure that there would be some who would think otherwise. I have given out of my blessings and fullness. I have also believed that one cannot give what one … Continue reading
On Hiking
I have access to a fitness center where I can use a treadmill, a stationary bike, an elliptical machine. And for a while, I tried to exercise there on a regular basis. But I soon got bored. It was getting … Continue reading
Goodness And Faith
There is a lot to marvel about these days: in technology, sports, culture and even business. Even in everyday life, there is a lot to marvel at: people serving others, children learning and growing, families pulling through difficulties, the sick … Continue reading
Larawan as Great Art
We finally watched the movie version of Larawan The Musical last night and it did not disappoint. There is something in common to all great art. And I would consider the movie, and the Nick Joaquin play on which it … Continue reading
Growing Old and The Last Jedi
I have always been a Star Wars fan. Not a fan-atic one though. A lot has been said, written and posted about the latest episode, “The Last Jedi”. Real fans called it the best Star Wars film so far. Critics … Continue reading
Magi And Epiphanies
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. Traditionally, this is the Christmas celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church. In many countries in the West, this is the Feast of the Three Kings, when children, specially in Spain, get to receive … Continue reading
A Miracle
Today I witnessed a miracle. A good friend, Lambert, was ordained a deacon. And God willing, he will be ordained a priest in June next year. Nothing really miraculous there. Lambert was my contemporary in San Carlos Seminary. He was, … Continue reading
Goodness and kindness are not the monopoly of Christians nor of believers. A sense of the sacred has been with man since he first stood awe-struck in wonderment at the presence of some ineffable mystery. I try to imbibe all … Continue reading
Seeking Happiness and Perfection in Beauty
There is a lot of beauty and order in nature for me not to believe in a loving and almighty Creator. There is a lot of goodness and happiness in my life for me not to be always filled with … Continue reading