Category Archives: Children

How Does God Look Like

Note: Yesterday, I shared my thoughts about God in my life. How I feel his presence in the beauty of nature, in the unfolding of history, and in the twists and turns of my own life. It reminded of a … Continue reading

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On Being A Father

Now more than ever, we need fathers who can raise children who would dream of goodness, kindness, love, compassion, integrity, a passion for justice. Then, we shall see the birth of the new normal.

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A Special Child

  At Christmas, the child born in the manger is special. Thus, Christmas is a special time for children. During Christmas, children are the focus and center of our special attention. This Christmas, I think of special children. Or children … Continue reading

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Late Lessons for a Lolo

One of our joys these days are the times we spend with Maia. And I love how she is so in love with here Lola. Like, whenever they come home from a pasyal, she would fill our home with her shouts … Continue reading

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Relationships Are The Real Riches

Who am I, really? As I think of the defining moments in my life, I realize that I can never fully define myself except in relationships with others. One person leaves my life and my life is never the same … Continue reading

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“Increase Our Faith!”

  In today’s Gospel reading, the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” And also this weekend, Ela our youngest granddaughter received her gift of Faith. She was baptized into the Community of Believers. The Lord assured his disciples, … Continue reading

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On Being A Teacher

Often, at night, when sleep is hard to come by, one of my favorite ways of lulling myself to sleep is to remember students who have been in my classes. I am happy that quite a number of them have … Continue reading

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There Is Innate Goodness In Us

Maia just recently turned one year old. She does not speak yet except through a few syllables, like ‘mah mah’, ‘dah dah’, ‘tah’. And yet she is very good at communicating. She knows how to tell us how she feels … Continue reading

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To Be A Child, redux

As I age into my twilight years, I try to live in simplicity and surrender. And surprisingly, often serendipitously, I do learn many things. Some are lessons long forgotten, others totally new and exhilarating. Many of the new lessons I … Continue reading

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My Childish Faith

Christ often held up children as examples of true and trusting faith. Today, he bemoans the people of his times as having a childish faith.They are like children: “To what shall I compare the people of this generation? What are … Continue reading

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