Tag Archives: Peace

Reflections by the Ocean

The souls of men seem to be “in sin and error pining”.All hopes are dashed into fears.We are all longing for peace.There was a man who understood our sinfulness.In fact, he took our sins unto himself and calmed the storms.When … Continue reading

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Being Transformed by Faith

God created us in his image and likeness. There is often the danger and temptation of creating God in my own image and likeness, of wanting to lead a life according to my own script. And just when I think … Continue reading

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The Beatitudes and the Commandments

The recent spate of shootings in the US, happening now almost daily, have been so heart-breaking and senseless. Gilroy. El Paso. Dayton. Lives and communities are being devastated by the grief and senselessness of it all. People are at a … Continue reading

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On a Wing and a Prayer

Every morning, I make time and space for prayer. Just before the rest of ‘my world’ wakes up, I come to prayer as a total person, turning my attention to the Totally Other Person. I have learned recently that that … Continue reading

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The Morning After

The morning after the elections felt like Black Saturday: dejected, bitterly disappointed, feeling defeated. Like the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, I was feeling lost and disbelieving how things has turned out they way they did, hoping that … Continue reading

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The Mystery of Life and Eternity

There is something in me that know I will never die. There is a thirst and a hunger in me that cannot be satisfied. I long for the fullness of life where death has no power. What am I most … Continue reading

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Early Morning At Home

My first sunrise back home. Still jet-lagged, I was up at the break of dawn and caught the sun as it was rising from the East. Home. Home? Where is home? In recent years, I have been shuttling back and … Continue reading

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Welcoming 2019

Another New Year dawns, laden with hopes and promises. I welcome the New Year with gratitude. Thankful to be here and conscious and aware of this wonderful dawning. And these are the thought now running in my mind: I love … Continue reading

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In Need of Redemption

    In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. … Continue reading

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Life and Love

It never fails. I watch the sunset and one question keeps repeating itself in my mind: WHY? Why all this awesomeness? Why am I even here? And because I am here, I can enjoy all of this. I realize that … Continue reading

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