Tag Archives: Easter

The Morning After

The morning after the elections felt like Black Saturday: dejected, bitterly disappointed, feeling defeated. Like the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, I was feeling lost and disbelieving how things has turned out they way they did, hoping that … Continue reading

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Bread and Wine, Body and Blood

Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal … Continue reading

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The Bread Of Life

The daily Gospel readings of late have all been about the bread of life. It reminds me that there is more to life than just my physical existence. There is more to food and eating than just the bread to … Continue reading

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It Is The Lord!

When there is so much deceit, lying and hypocrisy in the world, and people are fed untruths as a matter of course; it is difficult to say, “It is the Lord.” When there is so much greed among men that … Continue reading

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“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

A bunch of disciples: beaten, down in defeat, fearful, in hiding, their Master having been executed as a common criminal. They travel at night, afraid to be discovered by day. While crossing the sea, they see a shadow on the … Continue reading

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A Joyful Fear. Or, A Fearful Joy?

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” ~ Master Yoda The diametrical opposite of love is not hate but fear. We fear what we do not understand. Uncertainty and the … Continue reading

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Easter Ennui?

Of late, some many things seem to be going wrong in so many places and among so many people, including myself. There is a feeling of lingering malaise in me but I am not really sad. With things going wrong, … Continue reading

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Do Not Disturb: God At Work

All is quiet now and there’s silence all around They have killed the Lord and buried him in the ground. The disciples have scampered in fear and confusion Wondering whatever happened to all their ambition Still they did not understand … Continue reading

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Good Friday Good Feelings

To many Jews during the time of Jesus, his death on the cross was the awful ending to an adventure gone terribly wrong. Here was an itinerant preacher who simply burst upon the scene, preaching repentance and the coming of … Continue reading

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A Cosmic Maundy Thursday

It’s Maundy Thursday. Everything has ground to a halt in the Philippines. The big city is empty and all the streets are practically devoid of traffic. People have hied off to some coasts to refresh their tired bodies or to … Continue reading

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