Category Archives: Aging

And Now The End Is Near

Today id the end of the Liturgical Year. The Gospel is about the two thieves crucified alongside Christ. I posted what Jesus sag to the good Thief, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” Some of my friends reacted … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Death, Discipleship, Mystery | 2 Comments

My Life’s Journey These Days

I used to look at life as a series of destinations: graduations, getting married, coming of the children, marking milestones in their lives, promotions, new jobs, higher responsibilities and then retirement. Today I look more at the journey that is … Continue reading

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To Be A Child, redux

As I age into my twilight years, I try to live in simplicity and surrender. And surprisingly, often serendipitously, I do learn many things. Some are lessons long forgotten, others totally new and exhilarating. Many of the new lessons I … Continue reading

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Tuesdays with Alran, Part 2

In the afterglow of our recent “Tuesdays with Alran” last Thursday, I have been mulling and ruminating over what he shared with us from his recent life experience. In the end, all that matters and all that gives meaning and … Continue reading

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Tatang was of peasant stock and he worked in the fields in his youth. It was a long journey for him from the fields of Dau to the bungalow in Marisol. And it has also been a long and rather … Continue reading

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The Cross

There can be no salvation with the cross. There can be no resurrection without the crucifixion. Christianity without the cross in not Christianity. Yet, there are many who would take the cross out of Christianity, preaching a blatant and selfish … Continue reading

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Put Out Into The Deep

I regularly meet up with a bunch former colleagues from the Business School where I used to teach. We mostly exchange war stories: an encounter here, a skirmish there, missteps and miscues all over the place, how we transformed an … Continue reading

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Be Awake. Be Aware.

Age quod agis. (Do what you are doing.) This was the advice drilled into us by Fr. Basilio David during our formation years in the seminary. Not everyone can be a Ninoy Aquino or a Jesse Robredo but everyone can be … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Change, Character, Heroes, Life | Leave a comment

The Reality of Ageing

I have always loved the songs of Simon and Garfunkel. They have the uncanny ability of capturing my thoughts and feelings and beautifully expressing these in words and music. They express in very personal terms what seem to be very … Continue reading

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My Continuing Journey

Seven decades and a lot has changed in my life. I have met a lot of wonderful people. And some heels. I have been to many exciting places, now stored in my photo collections. I have experienced amazing moment now … Continue reading

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