Category Archives: Generosity

A Special Child

  At Christmas, the child born in the manger is special. Thus, Christmas is a special time for children. During Christmas, children are the focus and center of our special attention. This Christmas, I think of special children. Or children … Continue reading

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A Day Of Gratitude And Generosity

Today, Anabelle and I attended the Christmas Party of the retired teachers and staff members of Xavier School. The party was simple and pretty modest by local standards for Christmas parties. But it was fun and well attended. The food … Continue reading

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On Generosity

Generosity begins not with what I have but with what I am inside and who I am. Generosity is measured not by what I give away but by what i keep for myself. If I can live with small amounts … Continue reading

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Late Lessons for a Lolo

One of our joys these days are the times we spend with Maia. And I love how she is so in love with here Lola. Like, whenever they come home from a pasyal, she would fill our home with her shouts … Continue reading

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It’s So Hard To Be Generous

There are moments in my life when selfishness really hits me hard. I would wallow in extreme self-centeredness, wondering why and what I’d gotten in return for all the goodness, sharing and loving that I do. It is not that … Continue reading

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The God of Abundance

At this time and at my age, I should have learned my lesson already.  But I have not. The Lord is a joyful giver. He gives out of his bounty and abundance. And then, like a doting father, watches us … Continue reading

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Poverty as a Choice

Two days ago, Jesus declared: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division.”  Yesterday, he told the young man: “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what … Continue reading

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And Who Is my Neighbor?

The neighbor is not he who passed by on the opposite side, in order not to be bothered in one self-busy-ness, Not to have to attend to someone in distress, Not to lose time and money to help another person. … Continue reading

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Cheap Grace

I follow Christ because of his Gospel of joy, love and forgiveness. It is sad and ironic that so many wars and acts of violence, so much inquisition and persecutions, the subjugation and domination of peoples, so much pain and … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Generosity, Spirituality | 2 Comments

In Life’s Final Exam, Love is the Answer

Of late, the daily Gospel readings have been taken from Christ’s Farewell Discourse  in John’s Gospel, mainly about his new commandment of love. Aside from LOVE, which is mentioned 179 times in the Gospels, there are a few other recurring … Continue reading

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