Category Archives: Family

Only Trust Will Enable to Move Forward and Soar

There is so much fake news in media, specially social media, these days; one can really feel, sense, smell the poisoned atmosphere. There are outright lies that are peddled as truths. Or some bit of factual information is cast with … Continue reading

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On Being A Father

Now more than ever, we need fathers who can raise children who would dream of goodness, kindness, love, compassion, integrity, a passion for justice. Then, we shall see the birth of the new normal.

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Thinking of St. Joseph and Tatang

Today is the birthday of my father. It is strange that I have grown closer to him now in my old age. I often think about him and have felt myself be closer to him than ever. I have come … Continue reading

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Moments of Grace, 2

I love mornings and the freshness they bring Yet I love the sunset as much as the morning I only need to see them with joy in my heart And the showers of blessings simply start. I love being with … Continue reading

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Late Lessons for a Lolo

One of our joys these days are the times we spend with Maia. And I love how she is so in love with here Lola. Like, whenever they come home from a pasyal, she would fill our home with her shouts … Continue reading

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Remembrance And Celebration

Today is All Saints day, a celebration of all those who have followed Christ by taking up their cross daily, entering the narrow gate and passing through the eye of the needle. They have loved and served the poor and … Continue reading

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Relationships Are The Real Riches

Who am I, really? As I think of the defining moments in my life, I realize that I can never fully define myself except in relationships with others. One person leaves my life and my life is never the same … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Family, Friendship, Presence, Relationships | Leave a comment


Tatang was of peasant stock and he worked in the fields in his youth. It was a long journey for him from the fields of Dau to the bungalow in Marisol. And it has also been a long and rather … Continue reading

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Poverty as a Choice

Two days ago, Jesus declared: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division.”  Yesterday, he told the young man: “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what … Continue reading

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Families As Oases Of Love

We live in a secular and open society. Everything is up for questioning and subject to challenge. Because nothing is sacred anymore. No more absolute values or norms. On the one hand, I welcome this for it has meant freedom … Continue reading

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