Category Archives: Photography

In the Image of the Divine

        Ang nilikha mong kariktan Sulyap ng ‘yong kagandahan       It thrills me to know that I am made in the image and likeness of God. It thrills me even more to realize that I … Continue reading

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Knowing The Place For The First Time

We shall not cease from exploration  And the end of all our exploring  Will be to arrive where we started  And know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, remembered gate When the last of earth left to … Continue reading

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Time And/Or Money?

Money once spent or lost can be earned or found again. Time once spent or lost is gone forever. Therefore, time is more valuable than silver or gold. One needs money to buy a wide screen HDTV to enjoy great … Continue reading

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Who Am I?

Who am I? Really? Sometime ago, I wrote this in answer to that question: “As I think of the defining moments in my life, I realize that I can never fully define myself except in relationships with others. One person … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Photography, Presence, Relationships, Source | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

To Be A Child, Yet Again

  For most adults, to see is to believe. For children, to believe is to see. Spanning his arms as wings, a child will believe he can fly. To be a child is to live at the threshold of creation, … Continue reading

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The Voice In The Wilderness

The world today is like a depressing wilderness. Like a gloomy forest, it looks dark, dreary, cheerless. The winding trails seem to lead to nowhere What a dismal place! No one seems to care. There are wars and conflict in … Continue reading

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To Be Is To Love

“I think therefore I am.” With one simple statement, Descartes has spawned a new school of Philosophy and the rationalistic and scientific culture we see dominant in the West today. It also explains the intense individualism (“I am.”) we see … Continue reading

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Pueblo Amante de Maria

This morning we joined the Spanish Community in our Parish in las mañanitas for our Lady of Guadalupe whose feast day it is today. And at the end of this week, the Filipino community will have their turn with the start … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Faith, Philippines/Filipino, Photography, The Good News, The USA | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Forgiveness In The Time Of Advent

Autumn leaves can be breathtaking in their explosion of wild colors. Somehow, falling leaves in Autumn remind me of the Advent hymn Rorate Coeli: Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down the Just One. … Continue reading

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Advent Is Kairos Time

There are two kinds of time: kairos and chronos. Each day we count is counted in chronos time. We have used up twenty four hours and 1,440 minutes of our life are gone. It is past and done. It will never … Continue reading

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