Tag Archives: Goodness

The Couple-Tree

We all dream of a world where there would be “no more tears”, a world where people would live in peace and harmony,specially these days of the pandemic. And yet we see glimpses of such heaven around useven in the … Continue reading

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There Is Innate Goodness In Us

Maia just recently turned one year old. She does not speak yet except through a few syllables, like ‘mah mah’, ‘dah dah’, ‘tah’. And yet she is very good at communicating. She knows how to tell us how she feels … Continue reading

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Thank You For Life!

September 11, 2001 was a day of death and destruction, filled with hatred and anger. The day after turned out to be a celebration of life. Yes, it was a day of grief and sorrow but also an unadulterated awareness … Continue reading

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The Colors Of Grace

Today is the great feast of Mary, she whom the angel hailed as full of grace so full of grace Elizabeth declared her as blessed among all women. I am doing my morning prayers and I am asking for my … Continue reading

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In the Gathering Darkness

These days, I am often overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problems we face. Then I would feel utterly helpless at the puniness of what I can do. I have to remind myself of the strength and beauty there is … Continue reading

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My Sunday Morning Coffee

If I spill the cup I am holding and it contains coffee, I would spill coffee and not chocolate nor tea. In the same way, if my heart is filled with goodness, the goodness spills into my actions and words. … Continue reading

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The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 9

Happy Thanksgiving!   And now, bless the God of all, who has done wondrous things on earth; Who fosters people’s growth from their mother’s womb, and fashions them according to his will! May he grant you joy of heart and … Continue reading

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The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 4

  This is the fourth day of my Novena of Gratitude, leading up to Thanksgiving on November 22nd. I am never alone for there are always family and friends accompanying me on my journey. But there are times I want … Continue reading

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The Olber’s Paradox

Today is Earth Day. I feel a deep spirituality whenever I look at Nature. This quotation from Gerald Manley Hopkins always tend to remind me of this feeling that God is in Nature:  “The world is charged with the grandeur of … Continue reading

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God, Being God

Watching the sunset gives me deep and almost heavenly feeling. It is the end of another day, something that should bring about sadness as most endings do. But sunsets leave me with a sense of wonder and reverence at the … Continue reading

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