Tag Archives: Sadness

Let the Children Teach Us

I love children and there are times I’d rather be with them than with adults. I love how they look and see life and the world with eyes of unending wonder and amazement. They teach me everything I need to … Continue reading

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Evil is Real And It is Alive in the World

“I have said these things to you to keep you from stumbling. They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, an hour is coming when those who kill you will think that by doing so they are offering worship … Continue reading

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For the Motherland

Yesterday was about our love for our mothers. Today is about our love for the motherland as Filipinos troop to the polls. The other day I saw this picture posted on Facebook. And I realized that it captures how we … Continue reading

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Words and Reality

Words and their power are what make humans who they are, Our capacity to communicate through words has enables us to build civilization. But often, human language isĀ  inadequate to express what we truly feel and know deep within us. … Continue reading

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Ask, Seek, and Knock

“Ask and it will be given to you; For everyone who asks, receives.” What is there to still ask for? I have run out of things to ask. Many things I have asked for have been given to me; justas … Continue reading

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Snippets of a Conversation

I dreamt I was having this conversation in my dream last night. “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have sent my way. You have given me more than I deserve. My heart is overflowing with gladness and joy.” … Continue reading

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Another Desert Experience

For the nth time, my life has again been turned upside down, tossed around and about, topsy-turvy as in a state of utter confusion. We have pulled up our stakes again and made yet another major move – this time … Continue reading

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When Nighttime Comes

I am feeling adrift on a dark and dreadful sea It is all shadows and darkness lurking around me The light of reason had been snuffed out suddenly Where to go from here is now difficult to see. Just yesterday, … Continue reading

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In My Image and Likeness

We often pray to God for things to happen the way we want them to be. We ask God for peace and heal the wounds of our anger and animus. We ask him to solve the problems of the world … Continue reading

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Good Friday

Good Friday is the saddest day in Christendom. It marks the death of Jesus. He did not simply die. He was put to death, executed. He was not simply executed. He was tortured for many hours and in many different … Continue reading

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