Category Archives: Death

And Now The End Is Near

Today id the end of the Liturgical Year. The Gospel is about the two thieves crucified alongside Christ. I posted what Jesus sag to the good Thief, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” Some of my friends reacted … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Death, Discipleship, Mystery | 2 Comments

Remembering A Gracious Lady

I attended the wake of a gracious lady yesterday. Her life was princess-like fairy tale story. But where most fairy tales are meant to be short and fading and meant for mere telling; hers was long and lasting and meant … Continue reading

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Remembrance And Celebration

Today is All Saints day, a celebration of all those who have followed Christ by taking up their cross daily, entering the narrow gate and passing through the eye of the needle. They have loved and served the poor and … Continue reading

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The Anointing of the Sick

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name … Continue reading

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Death, Be Not Proud

I have always sought to live a life with meaning. And these days, I also think a lot about dying a death with meaning. Ninoy Aquino, whose death – murder – we remembered yesterday, lived a life full of meaning. … Continue reading

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The Mystery of Life and Eternity

There is something in me that know I will never die. There is a thirst and a hunger in me that cannot be satisfied. I long for the fullness of life where death has no power. What am I most … Continue reading

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Do Not Disturb: God At Work

All is quiet now and there’s silence all around They have killed the Lord and buried him in the ground. The disciples have scampered in fear and confusion Wondering whatever happened to all their ambition Still they did not understand … Continue reading

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A Cosmic Maundy Thursday

It’s Maundy Thursday. Everything has ground to a halt in the Philippines. The big city is empty and all the streets are practically devoid of traffic. People have hied off to some coasts to refresh their tired bodies or to … Continue reading

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Notre Dame de Paris is Burning

The whole watched, riveted in grief and disbelief, as the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed by a great conflagration. Many could not help avoid connecting the tragedy to the general breakdown of morals throughout the world: the blatant lies … Continue reading

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Words and Reality

Words and their power are what make humans who they are, Our capacity to communicate through words has enables us to build civilization. But often, human language is  inadequate to express what we truly feel and know deep within us. … Continue reading

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