Tag Archives: Justice

Feeling Like the Dutiful Son, Behaving Like the Prodigal One

I have lost count of the many time I have heard or read the story of the prodigal son. And I must admit there are quite a number of times, I end up feeling like the dutiful son. I would … Continue reading

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Being a Christian Today

The ‘tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye’ law in the Old Testament was not really about revenge. It was but meant to moderate the exacting of vengeance when one is seeking redress for an injustice. The punishment … Continue reading

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Tantum Quantum

There is something intrinsically immoral when eight, just eight, persons own more assets and resources than the lower fifty percent of the world’s population. there is something inherently unjust in a situation that would allow just ten percent of people … Continue reading

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Faith in Times of Adversity

Recently, Anabelle and I went with some friends to Iloilo for fun and leisure. It turned out to be a pilgrimage of sorts. We went to more religious sites than natural wonders or tourist resorts. We went to the Holy … Continue reading

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Let Freedom and Justice Ring

Today is the feast of Martin Luther King. His message and work for freedom, justice and equality remain relevant to this day. It is unthinkable how any man could think of himself as the owner of another person, even in … Continue reading

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Disturbing Thoughts

Business and finance. Power and politics. Science and technology. Entertainment and leisure. These are things that seemsĀ  to be driving the world today. Much of the news is about these and events in these areas always hog the headlines. But … Continue reading

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When Nighttime Comes

I am feeling adrift on a dark and dreadful sea It is all shadows and darkness lurking around me The light of reason had been snuffed out suddenly Where to go from here is now difficult to see. Just yesterday, … Continue reading

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Proclaiming Christ in the Midst of Lies

There is so much conflict, turmoil and violence in the world today – in and among individuals, in and among families, in society and the different sectors in it, in and among nations. The division is even more sharp and … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Evil, Philippines/Filipino, Sin | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Imagining A Better World. Again.

Man, for all the goodness in him, can fall prey to perversions of tragic proportions. Thus, we see lawmakers and government officials who in their hubris think they are above the law. There are some priests and religious who in … Continue reading

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Musings on MLKJr Day

Last Monday was MLK Day in the US. His message and work for freedom, justice and equality remain relevant to this day. The bias and prejudices he opposed are still around even today. Many of them are deeply embedded in … Continue reading

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