Category Archives: Sin

Regaining a Paradise Lost

When God created Adam and Eve, he gave them the earth as home. Untouched yet by human hands, I could imagine Earth then for the Paradise that it was: fresh, clean, virginal, pristine in her beauty. Ever since, we have … Continue reading

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The Beatitudes and the Commandments

The recent spate of shootings in the US, happening now almost daily, have been so heart-breaking and senseless. Gilroy. El Paso. Dayton. Lives and communities are being devastated by the grief and senselessness of it all. People are at a … Continue reading

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The Wheat and the Weeds

The weeds among the wheat. There seems to be a lot these days. The sower did sow good seeds And yet there those who’ve gone astray. We pray the Lord of the Harvest To still recreate these into good To … Continue reading

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Good Friday Good Feelings

To many Jews during the time of Jesus, his death on the cross was the awful ending to an adventure gone terribly wrong. Here was an itinerant preacher who simply burst upon the scene, preaching repentance and the coming of … Continue reading

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A Cosmic Maundy Thursday

It’s Maundy Thursday. Everything has ground to a halt in the Philippines. The big city is empty and all the streets are practically devoid of traffic. People have hied off to some coasts to refresh their tired bodies or to … Continue reading

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Life And Sufferings

The road to hell is paved with good intentions while the path to heaven is carved out with great sufferings. Life’s fabric is woven not only out of joys and happiness but also with tears and sorrow. Suffering is part … Continue reading

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Darkness, Conversion and the Evil One

We live in dark times. Darkness is all around us. It is even darker for those whose lives have been snuffed out just because they lived in slum areas; or they did not speak like we do; or they behaved … Continue reading

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Evil in the World

There is evil in the world. One only needs to look around to realize this. War is evil. Violence is evil. Widespread poverty is evil. Oppression is evil. Evil is real and there are many would minimize it. They would … Continue reading

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Never Stop Hoping

All the wars and violence. All that anger and hatred fueling them. All that greed and selfishness. All the hunger and deprivation caused by them. All that licentiousness and hedonism. All the addiction and enslavement they engender. Are because we … Continue reading

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Dark Clouds Over The Horizon

Today’s First Reading: In days to come, The mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established as the highest mountain and raised above the hills. All nations shall stream toward it; many peoples shall come and say: “Come, let us … Continue reading

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