Category Archives: Children

Let The Children . . .

Children are a blessing. No one and nothing can give us more joys and happiness. Babies evoke the deepest love from those around them. Nothing can be sweeter-smelling than a baby’s breathe. Nothing softer or smoother than a baby’s skin. … Continue reading

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No, We Never Travel Alone

It was a hot and dusty afternoon and we were walking back to San Carlos from our catechism classes at the Guadalupe Nuevo Elementary School when we noticed a young girl, rather shy but also rather forward enthusiastically waving at … Continue reading

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Let the Children . . . .

  At that time Jesus said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious … Continue reading

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I Will Follow You

As they were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”  Jesus answered him,“Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” And … Continue reading

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Birthdays and New Life

I celebrated my seven decades of a grace-filled life yesterday. And my youngest just reminded me that in those seven decades I have been responsible for seven new lives coming into the world. Sevenfold blessings for my seven decades of … Continue reading

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Let the Children Teach Us

I love children and there are times I’d rather be with them than with adults. I love how they look and see life and the world with eyes of unending wonder and amazement. They teach me everything I need to … Continue reading

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White Noise

Anabelle and I were in the US to visit Mihaela, our fourth grandchild. She is so adorable. And what a fortunate baby she is. We were impressed at how hands-on as parents Mickey and Iulia are. I do not remember … Continue reading

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The miracle of life is the miracle of love

The birth of a baby is always a tender and heartwarming moment. And there is nothing more tender and loving than seeing a beautiful child cuddling a new-born babe. Yes, the miracle of life is a miracle of love. For … Continue reading

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Let the Children Teach Us Once More

I just love watching how children, specially at play, even though they might have just met each other for the first time. Spontaneously and very naturally, they soon become friends and are deep in play and in a fantasy world … Continue reading

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Listen to the Children

Today is the Feast of the Hold Child (Santo Niño) in the Philippines. And in many places all around the country, there will be mardi-gras-like festivals celebrating the Infant Jesus during the month of January — Ati-atihan in Aklan, Sinulog in … Continue reading

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