Category Archives: Friendship

Only Trust Will Enable to Move Forward and Soar

There is so much fake news in media, specially social media, these days; one can really feel, sense, smell the poisoned atmosphere. There are outright lies that are peddled as truths. Or some bit of factual information is cast with … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Family, Friendship, Principles, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Moments of Grace, 2

I love mornings and the freshness they bring Yet I love the sunset as much as the morning I only need to see them with joy in my heart And the showers of blessings simply start. I love being with … Continue reading

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Relationships Are The Real Riches

Who am I, really? As I think of the defining moments in my life, I realize that I can never fully define myself except in relationships with others. One person leaves my life and my life is never the same … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Family, Friendship, Presence, Relationships | Leave a comment

Tuesdays with Alran, Part 2

In the afterglow of our recent “Tuesdays with Alran” last Thursday, I have been mulling and ruminating over what he shared with us from his recent life experience. In the end, all that matters and all that gives meaning and … Continue reading

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Aloneness and Togetherness

Life is a constant flux and rhythm of being alone and getting together. I love my alone moments. I treasure my being alone with myself and being alone with God. I need these moments to be in touch with who … Continue reading

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No, We Never Travel Alone

It was a hot and dusty afternoon and we were walking back to San Carlos from our catechism classes at the Guadalupe Nuevo Elementary School when we noticed a young girl, rather shy but also rather forward enthusiastically waving at … Continue reading

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A Wet Dream

This is not about what most people would think. But I could not think a more appropriate title than this. Early this morning, I had the weirdest of dreams. Anabelle and I have a very dear friend whom we have … Continue reading

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One Chance Encounter

We worked together one summer at a Summer Leadership Camp for Youth Leaders from the local depressed areas some fifty years ago. It was a two-month program. I had a great time. But did not think much about it later. … Continue reading

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My Seventy Years

So yesterday was a landmark birthday, my 70th. It was spent in the loving company of family. At the end of the day, Msgr. Pagulayan, whom we endearingly call Peggy, came and gave us this most beautiful present. It is … Continue reading

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The Love That Impels

I have always loved this quote from Blaise Pascal: “The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing”. Or, one can let it play trippingly on one’s tongue in French: “Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne … Continue reading

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