My Life’s Journey These Days


I used to look at life as a series of destinations:
graduations, getting married, coming of the children, marking milestones in their lives, promotions, new jobs, higher responsibilities and then retirement.

Today I look more at the journey that is life
and I mean to enjoy it not thinking of any particular destination.
I take time to relish the sights and the sounds,
the tastes and the smells, the people and the places.
Like any long journey, I try to travel light.
I leave all unnecessary baggage behind,
be these material things or unpleasant memories.
I take only what I need: an eye for wonder, a taste for adventure and a happy heart.
I smile at everyone I meet.
I am ready to share my stories with others
if they have the time to have coffee or wine with me.
I do right by my heart and take the time to love nature, others,
and my constant traveling companion, God.

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