Tag Archives: Gratitude
Birthdays and New Life
I celebrated my seven decades of a grace-filled life yesterday. And my youngest just reminded me that in those seven decades I have been responsible for seven new lives coming into the world. Sevenfold blessings for my seven decades of … Continue reading
For most of my adult life, I have lived in cosmopolitan and urbanized areas in several places in the world. Yet I can still feel my peasant roots. My forebears were tillers, not owners, of the soil. During the off-season, … Continue reading
Pueblo Amante de Maria
Filipinos have always taken great pride in being the only Christian nation in Asia. We have even fancied ourselves as “Pueblo Amante de Maria” – Mary’s Beloved People. And to reciprocate that Marian love, we have dedicated two months … Continue reading
Shunning the Prosperity Gospel
In my life journey, I have made the conscious and deliberate effort to follow the way of Christ. I have found strength, inspiration and deep meaning in doing so. In time of difficulties, I found guidance in his words and … Continue reading
Early Morning At Home
My first sunrise back home. Still jet-lagged, I was up at the break of dawn and caught the sun as it was rising from the East. Home. Home? Where is home? In recent years, I have been shuttling back and … Continue reading
Living at the Threshold of Eternity
Man has always lived at the threshold of eternity, at the doorsteps of life everlasting. The beauty and grandeur there is in nature is clear indication that there is something better and more life-filled yet to come. Spring may come … Continue reading
Gratitude and Eternal Life
Today is the first day of Spring. Nature is sprouting new and fresh life, as traces of winter fade away. So much to be thankful for. So many thing to be joyful about. It is time for counting blessings. I … Continue reading
Our FatherWho Art In Heaven
“This is how you are to pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive … Continue reading
When Sea and Sky and Land Meet
There where the sea meets land and sky is where I encounter the Most High. Any such coming together is productive. That’s when the magic of life is most active. Don’t you love it when things come together Be it … Continue reading
On Friendship
Friends are among life’s greatest treasures. I thank God daily for my friends, both far and wide, seen and unseen, present or absent, still around and those long gone, friends who have become family, and more delighting family who are … Continue reading