Category Archives: Marriage

A Weekend of Miracles

I was a witness to a weekend of miracles, involving three ladies. Friday was the birthday of Vida. We feted her with a birthday breakfast. I call Vida the Great Connector. He is very good at connecting and putting people … Continue reading

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Love And Marriage, Once More

When God commanded men to have dominion over all the earth, they took it to heart. Over the ages men have carved out mountains, redirected rivers, reclaimed land from the sea, made the desert bloom. In the process, they have … Continue reading

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Love is Life and Life is Love

It is a story as old as time itself. The story of Creation is the original love story. We are because of love. I love; therefore, I am. At the end of His “week” of Creation, God said almost like … Continue reading

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The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 8

    Thank God for Wednesdays! Many of our close friends and people who have known us for years know about our Wednesdates. When we were planning our wedding almost fifty years ago, we had a longish guests wish-list but … Continue reading

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Easter: A Celebration of Faith

Life is such a wonderful experience that many people are afraid to even think about it or that they will some day die. Yet, the reality is that life does not end with death. In fact, I have recently come … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Faith, Marriage, Spirituality, The Good News | Tagged | 2 Comments

Love in the Time of Catastrophes

Heat wave in California. Massive flooding in Texas. Relentless wars in many borders. Terrorist attacks in Europe. Simmering tensions in Asia. We are paving our own road to perdition. But even as the sun sets, there is always hope for … Continue reading

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Love and Marriage

“Love and marriage, love and marriage Go together like a horse and carriage This I tell you brother You can’t have one without the other.” ~ The Chairman of the Board Soon, we will be celebrating a big wedding in … Continue reading

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Called To Love

He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him. ~ Matthew 4:18-22 Yesterday, I posted this on Facebook to greet two couples who are dear to Anabelle and meĀ on their wedding anniversaries, one couple … Continue reading

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Words of Love

Stating a scientific principle, like Newtons’ Third Law of Motion “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”, over and over again does not change its meaning. It does not add nor subtract anything to what is meant. … Continue reading

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Grateful For Forty Years

This is the day the Lord has made for me and Anabelle. Forty years ago today, we exchanged our marital vows. In those years, I have learned what it meant for two hearts to become as one. We have shared … Continue reading

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