Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wonder of the Universe

Everything in the universe is in constant movement from the smallest quark to the biggest black hole. The movements may sometime seem random and chaotic. But there is a certain beat, a patent rhythm, almost a song or a melody … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Nature, Presence, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Only Trust Will Enable to Move Forward and Soar

There is so much fake news in media, specially social media, these days; one can really feel, sense, smell the poisoned atmosphere. There are outright lies that are peddled as truths. Or some bit of factual information is cast with … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Family, Friendship, Principles, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Sensing the Unknowable

Isn’t it a thrilling thought that I am made in the image and likeness of God? Even more thrilling is the fact that I am unique and that there will never be another one quite like me. Every human is … Continue reading

Posted in Encounter, Mystery, Presence, Spirituality, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Reflections on a Ridge

The past two years have been difficult to say the least.The world as we know it has vanished and we now live in a different world.During such times, usually once-in-a-millenium occurrence, it is easy for people to get unhinged, disoriented, … Continue reading

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The Couple-Tree

We all dream of a world where there would be “no more tears”, a world where people would live in peace and harmony,specially these days of the pandemic. And yet we see glimpses of such heaven around useven in the … Continue reading

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Reflections on a Hillside

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, Bless them that curse you, Do good to them that hate you, and Pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Following Jesus often sounds foolish and foolhardy in the … Continue reading

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Reflections in a Flower Field

‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea”, and it would obey you.’ I often wish I had that kind of faith.What works of … Continue reading

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Reflections by the Ocean

The souls of men seem to be “in sin and error pining”.All hopes are dashed into fears.We are all longing for peace.There was a man who understood our sinfulness.In fact, he took our sins unto himself and calmed the storms.When … Continue reading

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Reflections by a Lake

Money once spent or lost can be earned or found again.On the other hand, time – once spent or lost – is gone forever.Therefore, time is more valuable than money, or even silver or gold. One needs money to buy … Continue reading

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And Then There Were Four

In the beginning we just had the yellow-orange hibiscus (gumamela). And then as the pandemic locked us in, we now have four kinds: yellow-orange, flaming red, old rose, and pure white. And then, there are four mothers in our family: Anabelle, … Continue reading

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