Laudato Si’


All the earth proclaim the Lord;
sing your praise to God.

Laudato Si’
Praise be to you!

Climate change is real. And there is a crisis. For eons, Earth has existed with humans in it. For millions of years, it was a verdant and luxuriant paradise, untouched and unspoilt by humans. Humans naively believe the Earth was created for them. So that in the fullness of time, they just came upon the scene. If it were so, it was a grievous assumption on the part of humans considering how they have abused and misused her.

Laudato Si’ is a wake up call for us to face up to our responsibility to take care of our only home – Earth. It proposes a Spirituality of Creation that respects and deeply cares for our Earth. Nature should be a constant source of awe and reverence on our part. Through Nature, we get a glimpse of our true Source and Creator.

Everything that exists is in perpetual motion, dancing to a certain rhythm that is the pulse beat of the universe. A cosmic symphony, if you will. As the cosmic dance continues, planets collide, stars explode and a wild riot of colors is painted across the universe from deep reds and purples to glorious yellows and oranges to subdued blues and greens to blinding whites. Man looks up in the heavens and captures it all in songs, poems and tales about his cosmic roots and origins. And these colors and motions are transformed into a panoply of life and sounds on Earth. The changing of the seasons, the cycle of birth and rebirth. The ebb and flow of rivers, winds and life itself. The ultimate thrill and beauty of all this awesome wonder is that I meet the author of all that beauty and grandeur every morning. In a moment of prayer.

Because of this wonderful creation, there is in every human being an abiding sense of awe and wonder. We are always asking questions, specially why, and forever seeking answers. From my earliest recollections, I have been trying to find out what my life is supposed to be about. Indeed, my life has been a journey of discovery and creations. Sometimes, the journey has been easy and a breeze. There are times, it was difficult and stormy. I have cried in both joy and sorrow. I have laughed often in sheer happiness and sometimes in sheer frustration. There are times I have made of my life what I want it to be. At other times, others helped me fashion out who I am. But always, every step of the way, my steps are led by a Presence – sometimes tentatively, at other times boldly, but always to rhythm and tune of a melody I seem to remember from eternity.

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“Who do you say that I am?”


“Who do you say that I am?”

You are the constant Presence in my life.
Ever since I became aware of the world around me,
I knew and felt you were always beside me:
guiding, leading, inspiring, and often just being there.
I have always felt that my life was led and guided.
You were he who did.

You are the Love that has suffused my life.
Love has cured my color blindness to see the colors of life.
Love has given me a heart of flesh to feel and embrace others.
When I was down, love helped me get up.
And when I was in love I was on the up and up:
in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer.
Love got me going when the road was hard and difficult.

You are the Light that brightened my days.
You dispelled the darkness our of my life.
You have given me light to see and understand many things.
It was your light that brought me to where I am today.
Through your light, I have seen many things I would otherwise have missed.

You are the one Person who truly understands and love me.
Because of you, I am. Here.
And because I am, everything and anything is possible.
Yes, it is from you, o Lord, that I have received this great gift of Life.

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Heeding the Call


To hear the word of God and do it, to be Christ’s disciple is not easy.
It usually involves a total conversion, a metanoia, a complete turn-around of one’s life.
It inspires, animates, vivifies anyone who dares to accept the invite and to heed the call.
But it also bothers, unsettles, disturbs and perplexes many to the extent of persecuting those who bear them the message.

Often, God would often would test us in the area where we think we are the strongest.
I have a priest friend whose special apostolate is marital counselling
and all his siblings had failed marriages.
I know a top-notch pulmonologist whose son died from an asthma attack
and he could not do enough to keep him alive.
There was an excellent doctor who was looked up to by young doctors,
referring difficult cases to her, but who died from the complications of childbirth.
And there was great irony in a cardiologist who died of a heart attack in the midst of a cardiology convention and the hundreds of heart specialists in attendance could not save him.

We are not in control. God is in control.
I pray for faith and trust to totally place
my life and the lives of my loved ones in the hands of God.

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Called and Sent


Mission is that for which I am sent.

I am called and sent to teach and to heal.
I am called and sent to love and to care.
I am called and sent to give and to share.
I am called and sent to do all these with zeal.

To teach is to open minds and hearts.
To teach is to make possibilities real.
To teach is to make iron into steel.
To teach is to make whole of mixed up parts.

To love is to give with open minds and hearts.
To love is to give with no conditional ifs nor buts.
To love is to give even though it hurts.
To love is to give totally right from the start.

Vision is seeing the fulfilment of that for which I have been sent.


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The Improbable Truth of Faith and Love

There are billions of galaxies in the universe and billions of stars in each of these galaxies. One can imagine trillions of planets revolving around these stars. It is almost a  statistical certainty that there are some life forms in at least a handful of these planets. So, it is most probable that we are not alone in this universe.

In the billions of years the earth has been in existence, we have yet to make contact with any other life forms out there. Is it possible we are indeed unique in the whole universe? We may never know the answer.

Believing in a God, who often confounds me with contradictions and surprises, I am thrilled by the thought we could in fact be unique in the whole universe. I am even more thrilled by the thought that I am loved in a personal and unique way among all the billions of human beings on earth. And when I die, all he has to do is say “Rise!” and I am born to eternal life. Improbable? Hard to believe? No less improbable or hard to believe than the life of the person of Jesus. Or, that we are unique in all of the universe? Yes, I believe.

At other times, when I realize that half of the world’s seven billion people live on just two dollars a day, I am filled with gratitude and humility but also with sadness and anger.

I am grateful for the roof over my head, the three meals a day on a table I can call my own, the clothes to keep me warm and comfortable through the seasons. For 3.5 billion other people, every day is a struggle just to find and get these necessities. I am filled with sadness and anger because there are enough resources for everybody and we can wipe out poverty but would not. I am filled with humility because there is probably more joy and happiness among the 50% for whom keeping body and soul together is a daily challenge than among the top 1% who own millions that they do not really need.

Christ responded to this paradox of human existence with his own paradoxical and counter-cultural teachings. He preached the Gospel of love and sharing, even to the extent of loving our enemies and forgiving those who hurt us. He said the first will be last and the last will be first. He told his disciples to give up their lives, including everything that they possessed, for the sake of others – even of strangers. He railed against selfishness and greed and hypocrisy. Hard sayings to swallow. Even harder to live by. But in the face of the paradoxes of the world, is there any other way?

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To Be A Child, redux

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As I age into my twilight years, I try to live in simplicity and surrender.
And surprisingly, often serendipitously, I do learn many things.
Some are lessons long forgotten, others totally new and exhilarating.
Many of the new lessons I have learned are things that come naturally to children.
They know as self-evident truths what we adults struggle to learn and understand.

This is something I wrote some seven years ago.
And this morning, I get a joyful reminder of what it is to be a child.

To be a child is to play in the sun and live the moment
unencumbered by the past and
not bothered by the future
and when the day is done, not to wish for the morrow to come.

To be a child is to paint fields of flowers abloom in wild colors
and actually smelling their fragrance.
To be a child is not to see the differences that
separate us but the common joys that bind us all.
To be a child is to be accepting of people, of who they are
and not looking for a catch in their kindness.
To be a child is to laugh in total abandon at the silliest jokes
and to cry buckets of tears even for the smallest of hurts.
To be a child is to trust that Daddy will always catch you if you fall;
and if you do fall, that Mommy will be there to kiss the awee away.

To be child is to dream,
to believe and to
know that life is meant for the living.

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The Sacrament of the Present

To pledge their love to each other for eternity

In every moment is the seed of eternity.
Yes, I am both a moment and an eternity.
I have but the present moment to call my very own.
It is in the now that everything happens.
The past and the future may have the reasons for my living.
But I do all my living in the present moment.

In the wink of an eye the present is gone,
only to be replaced by another moment.
It is in this moment that I have my joys, my pain, my being and my becoming.

I am also an eternity.
I carry in my present moment everything I went through in the past:
my heartaches, my happiness, the lessons I learned and the regrets I carry.
I bring in the present all my future dreams and hopes.
Past, present and future come together in me, here in this moment.
I may be just a moment in the reckoning of the universe
but the universe will never be the same again
because I once was here in this moment.
And in the fullness of life, I will live in the Eternal Now.

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Tuesdays with Alran, Part 2

In the afterglow of our recent “Tuesdays with Alran” last Thursday, I have been mulling and ruminating over what he shared with us from his recent life experience.

In the end, all that matters and all that gives meaning and purpose to life are our relationships. Wealth, fame, and achievements fade away and may eventually be forgotten. But relationships remain till the very end; and the currency of all relationships is love.

I have heard and read this truth so often. I have accepted it in my mind but I have difficulty implanting it and making it grow in my heart. And somehow hearing it from an esteemed mentor has made me realize even more deeply its relevance and import in my life.

Love can be the most thrilling and exhilarating of all human experiences. What people would give just to experience it truly even just but once. But what happens when the thrill and the joy of loving fade away? Does the love pass away too? For some people, it does. Those who have found true love learn soon enough that pain and suffering also and often accompany true love. It is the pain and the suffering that confirm the love and bring it to a higher and deeper level. It is the sacrifices that one willingly goes through that strengthen and validate love.

Does that mean then that to love is to suffer? That the happiness one feels when is love is but transitory and even illusory? But isn’t it happiness to be able to do things for the loved one – be it big or small, difficult or easy, fleeting or lasting? And what greater happiness than the thought that there are our loved ones who would do the same thing for us? Happiness then, like love, is a decision. It is something I make happen, not something that just simply happens in my life.

Love happens in the here and now. Memories of love are precious; but they become alive only when remembered, reminisced and repeated in the present. Dreams of love and for the loved one are ephemeral; they only become a reality if and when we act out of love in the present.

These thoughts and feelings, gleaned from our one afternoon with Alran, somehow give me assurance and deep satisfaction as I face what is yet to come. And like Alran, I am still expecting that the best is yet to come. As we were parting, he said to me, “Maybe what you need is a little anger in your life.” I sometime fancied myself as a firebrand in my younger years. But now, I cannot imagine myself going in a blaze of glory. I rather picture myself as a dying ember: glowing bright in a dark cold night, giving off warm and comforting warmth to those around me and those I have loved dearly. Some the fuel that keeps that ember burning is from all those Tuesdays with Alran


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Tuesdays with Alran

Dr. Alran Bengzon was the most unlikely appointee to be Dean of a Business School. He is a Doctor of Medicine, a neurologists at that. He just finished his stint as Secretary of Health but has never really been an educator nor a businessman. There were those in the main university who had their druthers, not only about the man but also about the institution itself. And it turned out he was cut out for such problematic situations. He built on what was perceived as the weakness of the school and transformed it into the leading business school in the country, moving the campus from a cramped location in the heart of the Makati Business District into a spanking and modern new site and facilities at the elite, original Rockwell Business Center.

We were, I am not ashamed to declare it, his minions. Every Tuesday afternoon, he would hold court at the Board room and paint for us his dreams and vision for the Business School. It would always be a heady flight of fancy, full of what seemed to be impossible dreams, with hardly any resources but our guts and grit, driven blind by the mesmerizing vision before us. And by golly, we did it! We accomplished what he said we sould do and could do. We achieved what to others were  but quixotic dreams. We built a world-class business school for workplace-based and experienced-driven adult students run, managed, and operated by hard-nosed and battle-hardened veterans from the trenches.

Those were exhilarating days; and like all good things, they had to come to an end. I left to pursue my own dreams; but I never really lost touch with the team. We would meet every now and then. But for many years, I did not see the good doctor. I heard of the challenges he had had to face in recent times; but never really got around to talking to him. Till yesterday. One of the minions, the main one, organized a get-together. And it was like Tuesdays again with Alran, although it was a Thursday.

I am happy that the man still has his dreams. He is still driven by his values and principles. There is still a passion burning within him in spite of what he has been through. And it seemed to me, he is a much stronger person, a more beautiful soul and much fuller human being than I last remember of him. He still speaks with sapientia et eloquentia. We were hanging on to every word he said, we hardly noticed the passing of time until it was time for the fancy restaurant we were in to close.

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Being Transformed by Faith


God created us in his image and likeness.
There is often the danger and temptation of creating God in my own image and likeness, of wanting to lead a life according to my own script.
And just when I think I know God or when my life is going as I believe it should, something happens to shake me out of my delusion that I am in control.
During such times, my faith gets shaken and I have my doubts.
I am back to realizing that God is in control.
One thing I have been learning these days is that a faith untested is a weak faith.
Like muscles, if one does not use his faith , one is likely to lose it.
If one does not ‘use’ his soul or spirit, one loses it.
I do not pray for God to take away pain and suffering in my life.
I should welcome the heartaches I go through.
Most of them are minor, some major;
some are self-inflicted, others are burdens I have to carry for other;
some are physical, others are emotional and still others are spiritual.
I pray instead for the grace of the courage to face them,
strength to bear them and the perseverance in my faith
that God is continuing work of creation in me,
fashioning me in His image and likeness
by transforming me into someone better
as a blacksmith forges iron through fire
and hammer to transform it into steel.

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