Category Archives: Environment

Reflections at Dusk

We have indeed seen a lot of changes in recent times,buffeted as we have been by a stormy darkness.While saddened by all the death and disease around us,I am not despondent. I do not look at the past with nostalgia,longing … Continue reading

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Conversion is God’s Continuing Creation

Before creation, there was nothing but the void and darkness, which are but the absence of matter and the absence of light. Then God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light, the Big Bang. And from that Big … Continue reading

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Eternity In A Moment

The vastness of the universe is so staggering that we can’t even imagine what infinity is. And yet we get intimation of the universe in a grain of sand and a glimpse of eternity in a moment. Consider light. The … Continue reading

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Communing With Nature Is A Prayer

I love doing nature hikes with Anabelle. And we do miss hiking and out hiking buddies in Northern California. It is always a refreshing experiencing walking through the redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Nothing is more exhilarating than … Continue reading

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Transcendence and Immanence

Two big words I encountered in my philosophy studies are transcendence and immanence. Transcendence refers to God as being the totally other: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” Immanence is the divine manifested … Continue reading

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The Universe In A Grain Of Sand

In temperate regions, it is Autumn and the leaves on trees have started to change their colors. I remember enjoying these autumn leaves when we lived in California. In other places the colors of the leaves is even more wilder … Continue reading

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Alone With God In Nature

No matter how busy the days became, Jesus always found  the time and place to pray. His favorite time to pray is either deep into the night or early in the morning. His favorite place is in some quiet, secluded … Continue reading

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Wondering Why

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”   It never fails to amaze me how the whole of … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Life, Nature, The Good News | Leave a comment

Laudato Si’

All the earth proclaim the Lord; sing your praise to God. Laudato Si’ Praise be to you! Climate change is real. And there is a crisis. For eons, Earth has existed with humans in it. For millions of years, it … Continue reading

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Every Sunrise Celebrates a New Creation

I first encountered, and liked for the first time, inihaw na panga at buntot ng tuna in Davao. The story, probably true but also possibly apocryphal, is that these parts of the fish (the head and the tail) used to … Continue reading

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