Author Archives: Spirit Moments
Earth Day 2018, II
We see what we seek We find what’s in our mind. We search and then discover we had it all the while. The earth and nature bequeaths their tresures to those who would stop and listen in the silence. Just … Continue reading
Earth Day 2018
Yesterday was Good Shepherd Sunday. As is his style, Jesus draws examples and images from nature to bring home his message. Here, he is the shepherd and we are his flock. There shall be one shepherd and one fold. The … Continue reading
The Olber’s Paradox
Today is Earth Day. I feel a deep spirituality whenever I look at Nature. This quotation from Gerald Manley Hopkins always tend to remind me of this feeling that God is in Nature: “The world is charged with the grandeur of … Continue reading
In My Image and Likeness
We often pray to God for things to happen the way we want them to be. We ask God for peace and heal the wounds of our anger and animus. We ask him to solve the problems of the world … Continue reading
The Universe in a Flower, II
I wake up every morning always thrilled by the sunrise streaming through my window grateful for the breaking of another day. I imagine the sun’s light traveling millions of miles and suffusing the entire earth with life giving energy. the … Continue reading
The Universe in a Flower
I recently read the book Einstein and the Rabbi by Naomi Levy, a woman Rabbi. She begins her book by telling the story of Rabbi Robert Marcus. This Rabbi was struggling with his grief over the untimely demise of his … Continue reading
Innocence And Beauty
Children are color blind for all they see are Bundles of joy and laughter with whom They can spend the whole day at play. Children do not care what color your skin is They simply pass away the hours Painting … Continue reading
Reflected Glory
The moon has no light of her own. She is but the reflections of the sun. When the sun is out, we don’t see her. But she bathes our nights with her warm and tender light. Everything that is has … Continue reading
God, Being God
Watching the sunset gives me deep and almost heavenly feeling. It is the end of another day, something that should bring about sadness as most endings do. But sunsets leave me with a sense of wonder and reverence at the … Continue reading
Life and Love as Process
Everything that exists is in perpetual motion. The ebb and flow of the tides. The waxing and waning of the moon. The coming and going of the seasons. Even seemingly inanimate and immobile objects are teeming with pulsating protons and … Continue reading