Tag Archives: Change


God gave me life and placed me in the middle of a garden He created called Earth. I did nothing to deserve such awesome and infinite love. With a grateful heart, I want to sing praises to Him. I want … Continue reading

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A Heart of Flesh

I listen to little children and they put me in touch with what is real. They speak the truth even when it is awkward and painful. They see beauty even in the the face of the clutter and even paucity. … Continue reading

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Presentation and Purification

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord – “a light for the revelation to the Gentiles.” According to Mosaic Law, “Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord.” Through my Baptism, I have … Continue reading

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My Mission

The Gospel Christ came to proclaim is pretty simple and very straightforward: life is stronger than death; light is stronger than the darkness; love is stronger than hate and anger. Life is not easy. It is full of challenges, constantly … Continue reading

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Recent events and experiences have shown me how people are so hungry and long so deeply for affirmation. I have long been a glutton for affirmation myself that I have failed to see this need manifested in others. I have … Continue reading

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Success and Fruitfulness

Success is the mantra and the ambition of many in this world. Success is often associated with being able to make things happen. It is defined by power, fortune and fame. A successful person is he who can move others … Continue reading

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Present Again

The past two weeks had been a frenzy of events and now all seem to have gone by like a blur. We celebrated two big weddings in the family, Christmas, New Year and countless reunions and get-together with family and … Continue reading

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Another paradox of life is the fact that change is the only constant. Changes define life and make it possible. Some changes are sudden and cataclysmic, like a strong typhoon. We see the destruction and devastation wrought by it but … Continue reading

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Counting Blessings in Times of Sorrow

Today is the fifth day since the typhoon. Help from all over is pouring in. But the devastation has been so widespread not everyone who needs help is getting it right now. There is great difficulty is getting the aid … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Faith, Family, Friendship, Life, Mystery, Nature, Philippines/Filipino, Presence | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lazarus and the Rich Man

I have always loved watching the rays of the sun bursting forth in the sky in all directions. Be it the first glimmering of dawn or the slow fading of the setting sun or the full splendor of the noon … Continue reading

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