Tag Archives: Miracles

Life’s Daily Miracle

I just love this photo. When I see cows, they’d usually be grazing. Their heads bowed, they’d be feeding on the grass slowly and leisurely masticating their food. This cow seems to be looking out into the horizon, ruminating on … Continue reading

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The Greatest Sign

I shall not tempt the Lord and ask for a sign from heaven. Instead, I shall offer Him a sacrifice and a song of praise. Life is a great gift. I cannot even start to fathom why I was given this … Continue reading

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Make Me

Photo courtesy of Lick Observatory, © Laurie Hatch A leper came to Jesus and begged, “If you wish you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, Jesus touched him and said, “I do will it. Be made clean.” And so it is that … Continue reading

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The Miracle of Love

Today’s highly scientific outlook is keenly averse to the idea of miracles. Science dictates that to every effect, there must be a cause. Faith-healings are seen as nothing more than psychosomatic illnesses being made well by the mind healing the … Continue reading

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God Is Here

Be still my heart and know your God, Who pours His graces on the good and the bad. I lift my eyes and see Him in the sky, But there are those His existence they deny. I stand atop a … Continue reading

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My Life in Four Stages

When I was a child, it was “Go! Grow! Glow!” It was a time to nurture and develop my physical capabilities, my mental faculties, my social skills and my spiritual roots. Then came the period of preparation and I acquired … Continue reading

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Paradoxes and Life

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in. For all our pretensions to rationality, men are often irrational in their actions and behavior. It is absurd that modern man, who has the most comforts and conveniences than any … Continue reading

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It takes a village to raise a child. I grew up in what was then the small town of Angeles. And now that I am advanced in years, I keep bumping into people from those days. Somehow, they are still … Continue reading

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More Wonder In Ordinary Life Than In Miracles

The sun comes up every new day without fail. A great blessing that I am given another 24 hours to live. Another full day to enjoy the blessings of life. And often, I take the day for granted as though … Continue reading

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The Mustard Seed

The mustard seed – the smallest of seeds Yet when full grown, it is the largest of plants. The primeval particle – seemingly inconsequential Yet with the Big Bang, it gives birth to the entire cosmos. A humble maiden gives … Continue reading

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