Category Archives: Family
A Nation of Singles
I read in the news yesterday that the US is now officially a nation of singles. There are now more single households. I read the news with a lot of sadness. This emerging social change is going to be as … Continue reading
Remembering 9/11
9/11 is forever etched in the collective consciousness not only of Americans but of the entire world. What kind of hatred so strong would drive people to do something so utterly vicious? As the world watched in total disbelief as … Continue reading
The Fog in San Francisco Bay
I love the fog specially as it comes in from San Francisco Bay. I find it a refreshing sight and an invigorating experience as it breezes by me. It may seem a very ordinary thing but it is an essential … Continue reading
Life in the Slow Lane
I am aware that it is man’s lot that “by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you … Continue reading
The Wisdom in Children
Summer has been daily playtime for Jonathan and Jane with their friends Max and Allie. And watching them at play has been a delight and filled with lessons of wisdom for me. Max and Allie were gone with their parents … Continue reading
Home and Family
It is strange and paradoxical how our family and our loved ones can be both the source of our greatest joys and deepest love and at the same time the cause of our greatest pains and deepest sorrows; how the … Continue reading
The Heart of a Mother
Yesterday was the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose love is so strong He would lay down His life for His friends. Today is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, whose love nurtured Jesus from His … Continue reading
The Afterglow
A tiny seed grows into a tree, giving men their food, clothing and shelter. That is one of the many miracles that happen in our everyday lives. One tiny particle explodes in one big bang and the entire universe we … Continue reading
Celebrating Life on the 65th
I have noticed how I hate others for the very things I hate most in myself. Often, I would see the evil or wrongdoings in others but remain blind to my own. I would sometimes allow the anger and bitterness … Continue reading
There is Good in the World
Today, I thank and praise God for all the parents who raise their children in the anonymity of millions of homes, expecting neither praise nor rewards but only striving that their off-springs have a better life than their own. Today, … Continue reading