Tag Archives: Jonathan

My Treasures

When my life is finally over, I shall be a rich man for I have saved myself some treasure. It is not gold nor money; so no thief will ever be interested in stealing it. It is not physical things nor material … Continue reading

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One of the things that gladden my heart as I watch Jonathan and Jane growing up is their sense and experience of the sacred. Jonathan can be a bubbly bundle of energy at play but I love watching him take on … Continue reading

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Seeing Beyond the Senses

The other morning, as we were on our way to bring Jonathan and Jane to school, there was a thick fog that enveloped the Santa Clara valley. It was so thick I could barely see more a few feet ahead … Continue reading

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The Languages and Conversations in Our Lives

Halloween! Jonathan and Jane went Trick-or-Treating last night. And they were up very early this morning working on the toys they have traded their “loot” for with the Great Pumpkin. Leading up to the day itself, they had conversations with … Continue reading

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Children as Liberators

I have often noticed that babies seem to be aware of some presence that I do not see. I remember how, when Jane was a few months old, her eyes would move across a room as though following someone who … Continue reading

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Catcher in the Right

I once dreamed of being a called, like Peter, to be a catcher of men. But the Lord had a better plan for me; in fact, many plans. Today, I am a catcher of growing kids. I literally caught Jonathan and … Continue reading

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The Wisdom in Children

Summer has been daily playtime for Jonathan and Jane with their friends Max and Allie. And watching them at play has been a delight and filled with lessons of wisdom for me. Max and Allie were gone with their parents … Continue reading

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Of Children and Life as a Circle

As I face the end of my days with trepidation and uncertainty, I am also experiencing deep joy and happiness being part of the early days of Jane and Jonathan. Anabelle and I had superabundant fun raising our three boys. … Continue reading

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Awesome Signs in an Otherwise Ordinary Life

We went on a leisurely hike at Point Isabel in Richmond yesterday afternoon, just before the sun set. I was once again touched by the ephemeral beauty of the sunset. Every sunset, fleeting and radiant, is the promise of yet … Continue reading

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The God of Surprises and the Unexpected

Anabelle and I shall be completing six years of stay in the US within the coming months. All those years, I have been not been productive. I have not had a job. I have not been creating wealth. I have … Continue reading

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