Author Archives: Spirit Moments
The Rainbow Connection
Nothing stirs the hopes, dreams and excitement in the human heart than the sight of a rainbow. Rainbows come after the rains. And rain comes with clouds, We all dream of a world where there would be “no more … Continue reading
What am I most afraid of? When I was young I was afraid of the dark. I was afraid of whatever ghoulish creatures might be lurking there. I was afraid of getting lost, of not being able to go back … Continue reading
Life Is a Gift But Happiness Is a Choice
I am such a glutton for admiration and affirmation, wanting to be constantly praised. And recently, I had to go through a series of bouts of doubts and depression because of this insatiable thirst for ego-stroking. I withdrew from the … Continue reading
From Our Source And Back
Following Jesus often sounds foolish and foolhardy in the face of the self-serving pragmatism of the world. And yet, his way seems to me the only way the world can save itself from self-destruction. The world has never had so … Continue reading
Act And Potency
I am in Kuala Lumpur at the moment and I am turning green with envy. My sentiment, of course, is why can’t my own country be as progressive, as clean, as well-planned as this cosmopolitan metropolis at the muddy confluence … Continue reading
Beauty Over And Out Of Ugly
This is a burl. A burl is a rounded knotty growth on a tree, seen by many as an imperfection, and maybe even as a symptom of a disease or the sign of a faulty growth. But in the hands … Continue reading
Win-Win Is The Only Way
Why is it that evil people seem to prosper and good men suffer? Is it because being good is often thought to be the same as being weak or naive? Of having a Lose-Win mentality? Others go for Win-Lose and … Continue reading
A Perennial Lesson
My two favorite times are the changing of the seasons and the ending of each day. I love the the rich blending of colors when seasons change. They match the gamut of the emotions I feel when earth renews herself. … Continue reading
Life After Death Sightings
These are very hopeful and consoling words from today’s First Reading: “The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. . . . ; because God tried them and found them … Continue reading
The Eternal WOW!
We embark on this journey called life with many other boats on this endless sea. And as we struggle on through unending strife We wonder what our life is meant to be. We are sailing together as seafarers all Though … Continue reading