Tag Archives: Happiness

The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 3

Today, I thank God for family and friends and say ‘Thank you’ to those who have accompanied me in my life’s journey. I thank them for the happy times, and these memories are with me forever, that were made possible … Continue reading

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Life Is a Gift But Happiness Is a Choice

I am such a glutton for admiration and affirmation, wanting to be constantly praised. And recently, I had to go through a series of bouts of doubts and depression because of this insatiable thirst for ego-stroking. I withdrew from the … Continue reading

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Life, Like Love, Never Dies

Jesus said to them, “The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can … Continue reading

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On Being Childlike

We often see infants as helpless and dependent on adults. We see them as cute, as guileless and as innocent as angels. In fact, infants have a lot to teach us it we just pause and reflect. We have coded … Continue reading

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Coming Home

The end of every journey is home. There is nothing more soothing and more comforting for me than the thought of coming home. I left home early in life to enter the seminary. And I always relished coming home to … Continue reading

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Life Does Not Consist of Possessions

The most difficult thing getting used to when I went into retirement was the lose of income. There were times in my younger years that I used to measure my self-worth in terms of the income I made or how … Continue reading

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In two more days, we shall be celebrating Mothers’ Day. From Day 1 (of conception, not birth), there has always been a special and strong bond between mother and child: undying gratitude of the child for the gift of life … Continue reading

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