Author Archives: Spirit Moments
My Way, My Choice
So I have decided to follow him who said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” What if the Christ I believe in was merely a mortal and not a god at all? I would still choose … Continue reading
Shunning the Prosperity Gospel
In my life journey, I have made the conscious and deliberate effort to follow the way of Christ. I have found strength, inspiration and deep meaning in doing so. In time of difficulties, I found guidance in his words and … Continue reading
Long And Winding
It’s a long and winding road, this journey of life. Sometimes, I walk on the mountain top where it is sunny and exhilarating. Other times, I walk along a stream down in the valley where it is cool and refreshing. … Continue reading
My Continuing Journey
Seven decades and a lot has changed in my life. I have met a lot of wonderful people. And some heels. I have been to many exciting places, now stored in my photo collections. I have experienced amazing moment now … Continue reading
I struggle these days to return to a regular and meaningful prayer life. The bumps and the detours I have recently encountered in life have derailed what I thought was a deep and sincere relationship with the Lord. Of late, … Continue reading
White Noise
Anabelle and I were in the US to visit Mihaela, our fourth grandchild. She is so adorable. And what a fortunate baby she is. We were impressed at how hands-on as parents Mickey and Iulia are. I do not remember … Continue reading
Where Is Home?
A room is a still a room, even when there’s nothin’ there but gloom But a room is not a house and a house is not a home When the two of us are far apart And one of us … Continue reading
Early Morning At Home
My first sunrise back home. Still jet-lagged, I was up at the break of dawn and caught the sun as it was rising from the East. Home. Home? Where is home? In recent years, I have been shuttling back and … Continue reading
A Joyful Fear. Or, A Fearful Joy?
“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” ~ Master Yoda The diametrical opposite of love is not hate but fear. We fear what we do not understand. Uncertainty and the … Continue reading
Easter Ennui?
Of late, some many things seem to be going wrong in so many places and among so many people, including myself. There is a feeling of lingering malaise in me but I am not really sad. With things going wrong, … Continue reading